Voice Actors Unite

ceresbane @ceresbane
Voice Actors Unite
ceresbane @ceresbane
Wrong site. If you wanna find those go to Rina-chans hovel Voice actor alliance
No one here is of any creative professional capacity. This is horny dirty casual land.

Keiseki @keiseki
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Voice Actors Unite
Keiseki @keiseki
Voice actors on a non-prof (cue: killing time) level? ^^ But ceres is right, there's Voice Acting Alliance if you're looking for them.

Ian @burakay
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Voice Actors Unite
Ian @burakay
I'm just seeing if there's anyone who Voice acts since this is an Art thread and I see artists here and such :P

Keiseki @keiseki
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Voice Actors Unite
Keiseki @keiseki
<< Just does it for fun, but hasn't gone into projects. /I kinda illustrate more than voice act though./

the_voice_of_anime @the_voice_of_anime
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Voice Actors Unite
the_voice_of_anime @the_voice_of_anime
I actually do, I have a unrealistically deep voice that easily landed me a job I was getting paid a lot at the time as well, and even started streaming because I knew my voice could easily pull in others around me. I've always been proud of myself for this also as most are blown away by it, I'm most likely going back to doing more as long as it doesn't get in the way of life.

Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Voice Actors Unite
Uninterested. @coffeelink
I did a Voice for a person on "VoiceactingAlliance.com", i did a voice for a Badass Sniper named "Jim".
The People making it Said it was for a Stop motion Comic they planned on releasing on youtube, Although i never was told the Title or given the Video. Then again, i did it for free and perhaps they found a more badass voice. I don't know.
My lines were pretty cool too.
"Asshole, Down".
"Sorry buddy, Not your day"
"Don't think i forgot about you, Fatboy!"
"The only difference between us is that I have a Reticle on your forehead."

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
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Voice Actors Unite
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
^ that has happened to me before too,
Mostly to college projects though.
2 mlp ones were kinda snarky and wanted things to be professional, but they poorly ripped the show and did NOT know what the hell video editing and lip syncing is. One channel was terminated and the other put all their video on private..
-w- i stopped doing voice acting stuff after the whole "funimation" background voice things didnt was too stressful. and havent done much since.
Although i am auditioning for Voice over idol this year...

JoelJoestar @joeljoestar
commented on
Voice Actors Unite
JoelJoestar @joeljoestar
I'm actually working on an anime parody currently and am looking for voice actors. Anyone who is interested should send me a friend request and message me with some of the work you've done in the past.
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