Dark Souls 3 builds?

String7 @string7
Dark Souls 3 builds?
String7 @string7
Is anyone else really into Dark Souls pvp?
I'm still straggling near the early parts of the game, so I have no clue what kind of build I want to do. What are your plans?

serenesalvation @serenesalvation
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
serenesalvation @serenesalvation
Personally I'm just trying out a heavy tank build. It's rather far outside my nigh always Dex focus so it's interesting so far. Loving the heavy sweeping attacks of my great sword. Not so fond of the lack of dodging/rolling.
Rather tired and can't check but it's the Wolf knight greatd word +4 and +3 twin dragon great shield I'm using atm if I recall correctly.
Level 46. Cathedral Deep.

rekkuzan @rekkuzan
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
rekkuzan @rekkuzan
Currently I'm undecided whether or not to make a dex hybrid build. In bloodborne I enjoyed my blood/chikage build a lot. So maybe a dex/luck build for heavy bleed with my uchigatana or scythe.

String7 @string7
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
String7 @string7
I've been trying out a pure strength with the Butcher Knife, but I don't really like the damage so far. Also been wondering about using status effects. The new frostbite seems cool...

kawaiicat @kawaiicat
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
kawaiicat @kawaiicat
frostbite does absolutely nothing to players from what ive seen. R1 spam from the frost straight sword is the fastest way to apply and it hasnt made an impact

CaptainPeepee @chiefmoonsmile
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
CaptainPeepee @chiefmoonsmile
I came into the game with a quality build in mind. That way I'd be able to try most of the weapons and decide which one I should really build into later, which is thankfully made simple in this game with the whole respec thing available. I'm currently running around with Havel's greatshield and a Darksword, and honestly, it's probably what a Dark Souls easy mode would feel like. As far as pvp, I've tried it a fair amount of times, and I do pretty well, on account of my stupid large amount of hp and the fact that greatshields are literally cancer in pvp. In a one-on-one, people are usually forced to play on my terms and I will almost always win trading hits simply because I have more health to blow through. Long story short, adopt a greatshield if you have no self respect and want everyone else to hate the world like you do. There aren't too many ways to fight around them.

String7 @string7
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
String7 @string7
Hahaha yeah greatshield and dark sword is the new cancerous build!
I kind of wanna go for a tryhard risk-reward build with Flynn's Ring, no armor and just a buckler and dagger at some point XD

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
Hey how's it going, I'm going with a dex build with a sharp uchigatana :D

blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
blood&icecream @utaghoul1991
If there's no scraping spear, I refuse to play this game.
Demon's Souls best game :P

Millia Hakumei @milliahakumei
commented on
Dark Souls 3 builds?
Millia Hakumei @milliahakumei
Loving the hell out of my current build, Bleed/Poison/Hollow/Luck
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