Hi I'm new what's up

Voss @combatvoss
Hi I'm new what's up
Voss @combatvoss

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
Sherflow @sherflow
Hello, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
came in this thread like
welcome to the site friend

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO! :D

scootscoot @scootscoot
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
scootscoot @scootscoot
I am new too. Konichiwa. ;)

Gangsta Pigeon1 @gangstapigeon1
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Hi I'm new what's up
Gangsta Pigeon1 @gangstapigeon1

Voss @combatvoss
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
Voss @combatvoss
Thanks for the warm welcome

Gou Matsuoka @gou_matsuoka
commented on
Hi I'm new what's up
Gou Matsuoka @gou_matsuoka
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