Hello uwu

timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
Hello uwu
timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
I'm Aoife, it's a pleasure to meet you all u//m//u

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
Hello uwu
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Welcome to MO :D

timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
commented on
Hello uwu
timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
Thanks a bunch!!!

Gerben @gerben
commented on
Hello uwu
Gerben @gerben
Helleeeeuw, welcome to MO, hope you enjoy your stay here

timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
commented on
Hello uwu
timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
i hope so as well

[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
commented on
Hello uwu
[DERP] Napalm @napalmamaterasu
Well don't you have a very unique name
*says it out loud probably very wrong*

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Hello uwu
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
slid in this thread like
welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here

timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
commented on
Hello uwu
timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
Oh my gosh, loving that gif.
and don't worry you probably are like everyone else!
it's Ee-fah~

Riolis @riolis
commented on
Hello uwu
Riolis @riolis
Welcome to MO o/
I pronounced it as Aa-ooi-feh when I saw that name.

timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
commented on
Hello uwu
timidtitanshifter @timidtitanshifter
you aren't the first xD
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