What anime do you Recommend?

brownboy2285 @brownboy2285
What anime do you Recommend?
brownboy2285 @brownboy2285
Need something to watch. so anything i should look into?

kanda92 @kanda92
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What anime do you Recommend?
kanda92 @kanda92
from what i see in your anime list, there are quite a few animes i sugest
1) infinite stratos
2) to aru majutsu no index seasons 1 and 2, then the spin off to aru kagaku no railgun which you can find both seasons and series at gogoanime.com. although you can find season 1 of to aru majutsu no index on youtube, its under the name "a certain magical index" and warning the last two episodes of season 1 are uploaded, they just arn't on the play list yet
3)you had quite a few mecha anime so i'll suggest code geass.
4) if you're really bored, i guess star driver, i mean personally, i didn't like it, but quite a few people like it, so maybe you would
5)guilty crown is always an ok anime, i mean there were some parts of it i didn't like, but it was still a good anime in general
6)i did see some animes on your list that had romance as a good portion of the series so how about zero no tsukaima. there are 4 seasons so it should take you a while if you're looking for something to last you abit
7) how about vandread. its 2 seasons like to aru majutsu no index.
so all 7 of my suggestions are like 14 seasons.

kittie_saya @kittie_saya
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What anime do you Recommend?
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
Vampire Knight
Black blood brothers
Kimi Ni Todoke
Tokyo Mew Mew
Just a few suggestions :)

Lamby @momoichi
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What anime do you Recommend?
Lamby @momoichi
Acchi Kocchi :D
Kokoro Connect ^^
Okami-san and her seven company XP
all too under rated ^^

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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What anime do you Recommend?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Big Recent Anime: Haruhi (both seasons and movie, Code Geass (both seasons), Gurren Lagann, Madoka Magicka, Fate/Zero (and Fate/Stay Night)
Required Classics: DBZ, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Trigun
Don't have to finish or watch, but have a general knowledge of: Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece
knock out all those items, and you'll have pretty good coverage of what is popular.
P.S. I KNOW I NEGLECTED TO MENTION A LOT OF GOOD ANIME. This is just a list of "core anime" I think every otaku should have

espada213 @espada213
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What anime do you Recommend?
espada213 @espada213
Right now u should watch Sword Art Online new anime 2012 also sengoku Basara its on netflix if u have

sebastian_henderson @sebastian_henderson
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What anime do you Recommend?
sebastian_henderson @sebastian_henderson
I would recommend Neon Genesis Evangelion,Serial Experiments Lain,Naoki Urusawa's Monster.Fooly Cooly,and Welcome to the NHK. Outrageous comedy and deep psychology for the win.

toritori @toritori
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What anime do you Recommend?
toritori @toritori
none of them
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