Mental Disorders

otapho90 @otapho90
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Mental Disorders
otapho90 @otapho90
Anyway. I do apologize, I could have explained things a bit better than I have here. But that is the long story short version.
I just play the cards I am dealt and enjoy life regardless of what disorder I may have.

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
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Mental Disorders
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
I suffer from manic depression and it prettymuch dictates how I deal with life, since I have to be careful of triggers, and need to have methods in place to help me deal with it all. When I'm on a high, I'm making ten pieces of music a week, constantly buzzing with creativity. When low, I'm lying in bed all week wanting to end it all. I can go like a month without sleeping, and get all kindas of psychosematic pains. It's something I've had to some level since I was about nine, but became more of an issue at 14, though I eventually saw a shrink only two years ago when it became pretty serious. Self medication was also very very easy to get into, and very difficult to leave behind, but after spending a year drinking a bottle of vodka a day, I rarely drink anything these days :)
I still take my meds, because it's so much worse without them, allthough a side effect is involuntary ticks.
I'm a lot better than I was at the moment, but I'm going through a tough time right now, and so am careful to avoid stress or anything that could cause me to slip back down.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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Mental Disorders
Phoenix @animecountryboy
my thoughts are that i understand mental emotion disorders do exist, but sometime i think that people let people who have them get away with too much. i am not saying to be harsh/strict, but sometimes people will do too much for them. with proper medication/counseling anything can be improved on or cured in my opinion. not all things can be fixed but improvement is better than nothing. i admit when i was a little kid i had many disorders so i know from experience they do exist and that they can be fixed if you try hard enough.

ducksfortea @ducksfortea
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Mental Disorders
ducksfortea @ducksfortea
it depends on the condition itself, and the circumstance. Some are biological, and might not go away and so need medication to calm down. Some may be psychological and just switch on at some point, likewise some may fade away over age. Mental Health disorders are a totally unknown area of science still, and there are constant theories about how and why, but because the brain is so complex, it's hard for them to be sure. Depending on the circumstance, No matter how hard someone tries, they might not be able to 'fix' it. You can't regrow and lost arm.

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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Mental Disorders
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
There are two "classes" of mental disorders, those with a physiological basis such as Autism and neuronal degeneration conditions caused by toxins, toxoplasma gondii, and prions, and the psychological disorders concocted by the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industry.
I recommend these documentaries on the subject:
<a href="">The Marketing of Madness</a>
<br>Three hours long, in 18 parts, and well worth watching.
<a href="">Autism Made in the USA</a>

Lamby @momoichi
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Mental Disorders
Lamby @momoichi
lol i have high anxiety disorder and some of the worse side effects of it and the only bad thing iv ever had said to me about it was my exboyfriends parents, who called my nuts and didnt want me with him. i went threw most of my life with the pain scared to tell anyone cuz i thought they wood think i was lying and for the attentchion but when i did tell someone i got help, though i ended up being homeschool i am much better ^^ so anyone with a problem soodnt be scared to get help, if u tell someone u really trust then ppl wont think ur lying. good luck

TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
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Mental Disorders
TimidGiantArt @digitalwolf001
I have Bi-Polar disorder,I'm perfectly fine. I can understand why someone who interacted with me would think disorders are a load of bologna. But it still irritates me. Just because I'm intelligent, and can appear well, doesn't mean I'm always well. There just no way to describe how hard it is to motivate ones self in a depression, or a hard day. Things like getting up to get food become an internal struggle. Social anxiety is a bitch. How does someone tell their friends that they can't hang out because they can't control what they may laugh at (on a manic day) or that they just don't want to be around anyone for no reason (depressed day). I remember when I was in 7th grade, I was on a baseball team. I was standing near my friend and someone called heads up, as I looked to see where the ball was going it wizzed past my face and clonked my friend on the head with a loud thud. I could not help but lmao. I felt terrible because all I wanted to do was see if he was ok, but all I was doing was laughing at him. To those who say we take pills for attention...check the prices of pills. You'd have to be plain stupid to pay some of those prices for the rest of your life for attention (and a lot of ppl do have to pay out of pocket). I could go on forever, but those of you who claim all of us with mental disorders are attention seekers or if your just plain hating, your ignorant and I hope you have the chance to go through what I go through everyday.

- @machina
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Mental Disorders
- @machina
I have Tourette's Syndrome. I stutter uncontrollably and have small seizure like movements when I talk unless I speak with an accent. That's why I'm basically British.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Mental Disorders
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I suffer from depression not the false kind from concentrate T.T but I do a pretty good job of hiding it X3 I hide it cuz I don't wanna take pills and go to therapy >x<

moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
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Mental Disorders
moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
i have a rare form of schizophernia, ADHA, bipolar, depression, and others so not alot of people talk to me
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