Current Play Status on Bloodborne?

dmichael @dmichael
Current Play Status on Bloodborne?
dmichael @dmichael
I didn't pick BB up until recently (money tho). Rn I am up to killing Vicar Amelia and am onto the Blood Starved beast. Using axe and repeating pistol both +3.Can't remember my exact stats but they're something like
Vit 27
End 16
Str 18
Skill 12
BlTg 8
Arcane is at base
Anyone else really enjoy this game?

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
Current Play Status on Bloodborne?
mobored101 @mobored101
Vit 50
End 50
Str 50
Skill 40
BlTg 12

serenesalvation @serenesalvation
commented on
Current Play Status on Bloodborne?
serenesalvation @serenesalvation
Don't have access to my ps4 right this sec but I'm stuck on the Orphan in NG+ at about level 130 iirc.

rekkuzan @rekkuzan
commented on
Current Play Status on Bloodborne?
rekkuzan @rekkuzan
Cant remember all my stats. It was a bloodtinge build though with chikage. I'm at the wet nurse. I was doing chalice dungeons trying to get a lost chikage. Couldn't get past pthumerian decedent on great ithyll pthumeru dungeon. Then dark souls 3 came out so I havent played it again yet.
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