Any Destiny players here ? PS4

Animekid @animekid
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
I am

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Yeah that's a pain. What time is it right now for you? It is 12:18 p.m. for a meeting. Just wondering so I can know how easy it might be to meet up on Destiny.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Alright so your about 5hrs ahead. My light lvl is about 277ish for the equipment i like to use and 288 ish for the best equipment.
Yeah i don't have a mic since i don't usually play games that use them so I've yet to buy one

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Oh i forgot to mention I'm a warlock.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
If you want wet could trade cell numbers -when we first get together- to keep in touch in game.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Mine is Gonadikus (family joke sorry lol)
Really? Is it in the controller because mine didn't come with a headset.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Huh i will have to check for that when i get home then, thanks

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
What's your psn?

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Alright thanks

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Any Destiny players here ? PS4
Animekid @animekid
Oh and i apologize if I made you uncomfortable with suggesting trading numbers.
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