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Controvesial Anime

@differentdrum, don't even bother trying to argue the subject with xynox. She has had lots of very bad experiences with men, she won't give you an inch.
Mar 22, 16 at 5:04am
Dude, I'm 19. What bad experiences. Besides how does saying that there's not a single good thing about rape and people enjoying those type of Hentai being messed up make me a misandrist? I never even talked about genders in this context. Don't try to explain my opinion with trauma that I supposedly lived through.
Mar 22, 16 at 5:24am
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You yourself have talked about being often stalked and almost raped on the streets. (not to mention all the drama with you know who). I never called you a misandrist but you do seem borderline actually. I totally understand someone being offended even by drawings of rape but that's all they are really. Anime (and hentai) is a safe way to live out fantasies both good and bad without any real people being involved. You just strike me as being cynical/jaded and weary of men and take any chance to jump down their throats and go off so it seems like you have lots of anger built up (against men). So obviously some things have happened to make you that way even if I didn't know anything at all about you. I tried to have a pleasant conversation with you but you would rather have conflict it seems.
Mar 22, 16 at 5:28am
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Also I find it funny that nobody get's upset about characters being killed in anime in all sorts of messed up ways, but omg! rape!. Murder in anime is ok but not rape.
Mar 22, 16 at 6:42am
You got us there @neko... :P I personally neither like or dislike hentai. I don't enjoy watching it and usually don't,but i wouldn't mind if some friend comes and ask me to watch it with him or something(I don't mean to have sex,just to have fun).Ecchi is enough for everyone(and i like this genre but only if filled with a lot of comedy ^_^) ... Hentai after it is just for someone that can't be satisfied with it or anything other and that person goes there to try and reach their fantasies...The thing about killing...Well it is a little bit different because Hentai we are talking about is 18+ and very sex related and same goes for Porn Movies scene,but killing is something that goes...what i know 13+ or maybe 16+ but Kids watch those even younger and can't really get trauma from it as easy as they can from raping and tentacles...So Killing is there to just make things more interesting while Porn in anime is there just to satisfy people that can't reach their fantasies and are looking for something only their mind can think about...*Khm* tentacles *khm* Raping *Khm* Etc... So that is my point of view :)
Mar 22, 16 at 6:43am
Probably because rape has more to do more with a single sex being assaulted while murder applies to all of us. Murder is something that everyone can equally fear, for the most part.
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Anybody can be raped, it's not just about women. It's just not common in hentai (male rape). @KYGAS, I disagree that murder is less traumatizing than sex (or rape). Only reason sex is 18+ is Christianity turning it into a "sin" and making it "dirty". Death is now more ok to see in shows/movies than explicit sex. @differentdrum, have fun with that, bring up anything related to pedophilia and people will really flip, been there, done that. I got a shadow ban for a month plus for bringing up that topic. One of the mods got pissed.
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