What do you think of refugees on Europe?

Ed~ @yamadaed
What do you think of refugees on Europe?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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BlueRose @roseblue
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
BlueRose @roseblue
Crime rates have dramatically increased with the influx of refugees. Though most of them are actually not refugees, but Turkish immigrants who act like they're Syrian refugees. You can tell by the earrings, and stuff that they wear. Syrian refugees don't wear such things due to the Islamic faith. The problem is, European politicians turn a blind eye and no one can tell who is who, where they really came from.
Not saying all of them are bad though, the ones who come into the country with a worth ethic and a purpose have assimilated well into European society. Most of the recent ones however have never been in a civilized society, so they rape and murder women, kill each other, and cause havoc while getting free welfare. Europeans are becoming increasingly fed up, like this Hungarian Trucker. In the video you can see several migrants attack trucks, going into the middle of the street.
Here are some other good documentaries one the issue:
One last final point, and a good one to make. Japan only accepts a handful of refugee's per year. There crime rate is among the lowest in the world, they carefully handpick the ones that are capable of assimilating in society. I'm a multicultural type of guy, like to interact with people of all backgrounds. Though, I have to say there are profound problems letting people from violent cultures come into civilized ones unchecked. It's not all there fault, due to there background. But should the world fall, and should American and Europe turn into Third World countries because of it?

Veru @verucassault
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
Veru @verucassault
It sounds like it's the same situation in the US. There's a video that looks to be from Sweden or Germany floating around youtube and facebook that shows "a refugee" slapping a local girl for refusing to go out with him. The poster always claims it happened in American which it could but the girl that was attacked had a heavy accent. I imagine crimes are taking place, however this is the risk the governments put on the citizens when they are willing to work with other countries in crisis like this. I don't think anything will necessarily be resolved from the migrant situation though until the UN decides hey, let's all go to war with ISIS and the next World War breaks out.

Max @reclaw
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
Max @reclaw
They behave like shit when it comes to women, but I think that's the major issue. They refuse to pay a waitress, refuse to shake hands with a female, and so on. Personally, I don't like that kind of behaviour, and if I see it, they get shit from me.
All those nazi movements are effed up, too, though. Pegida and so on. There even is a new political party, the AfD, that is pretty fishy. Many voted for them, it's worse than Trump.

xynox @xynox
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
xynox @xynox
There have always been refugees coming to Europe... However now the demensions changed drastically. What many don't understand is that those refugees are the elite of their countries. Poor people can't afford coming to Europe... Naturally some are disappointed when they come to Europe and realise that not everyone is rich and that they're not going to get the pretty, little princess treatment. Many refugees behave accordingly... Some don't. And those pretty much fuck it up for the rest and also for the citizens of EU. Veruca's example sounds like staged propaganda but it is true that some refugees have no respect for the country that theoretically "saves their lives". Pickpockets have become much more of a problem.. I no longer pass alone by my city's (25k inhabitants) train station past 7/8pmish because although it might not be dangerous (no physical assaults) they whistle, stare and shout like fucking animals. Never else have I felt such an urge to beat the crap out of somebody. I don't know where they're from but they don't sound like Germans and definitely don't act like ones. Don't let me get started on swimming pools ... The AfD (equivalent of NSDAP from Hitler's time) is getting more and more support and people let themselves get manipulated by media very easily. What is or was used as an excuse for how many people are storming European borders was originally Syria... A war that was mainly financially sustained by the USA.
Another thing that kinda puts me off is that they send the refugees to Europe. The Fuck are we supposed to do with them? It would make much more sense to send the refugees to their rich Arabian neighbours. Similar climate, similar cultures, a lot of space... In Europe there's an absolute culture clash and conflicts that could have been easily avoided arise.
One thing is obvious though. This is no coincidence. Powerful assholes want this and we are paying the consequences.

punhero @punhero
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
punhero @punhero
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Lisanthur @sanfi
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
Lisanthur @sanfi
I don't think you can just say things about 'refugees'. They aren't one person. In the Netherlands we see them on TV arriving by boot, a man holding his dead child as hard as he can, because he wants to give him a propper burial. Crime has gone up, that's true, but that isn't really weird. If you were living under harsh circumstances for a long time, being frustrated as hell because of a shortage of space or the fact that you had to leave your family behind, you'd be going insane as well. If we put all the people of MO in one overcrowded space for too long, even the shy people'd start getting aggresive. That said, something needs to be done about the problem and I think that sending back perpetrators isn't helping one bit. We want to welcome everybody we can in the Netherlands, but the problem with that is that once they are here we can't really help them anymore. In a small village near the border of Germany they are going to build a center that will contain around 600 refugees. The building will be as big as an average school. Basically, this is a prison, not a way out. The people in that village get upset about it and I already know there are going to be some huge problems there, but nobody seems to think that the attitude towards the refugees might also be important. Sorry if my post was a little all over the place, but this is an enormous issue where I'm from and most refugees are really mistreated because of incidents (large ones, I agree) that occurbecause of the chaos and the things these people are going through. I am by no means saying that the 'bad refugees' aren't in the wrong, but somebody once told me something that applies here as well: "If you ask a child what he wants to become later they all shout something like police officer, archeologist or princess; nobody says criminal."

xynox @xynox
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
xynox @xynox
If you are fleeing for your naked life (which is what the media claims) I don't know how there is any excuse to behave like a "bad immigrant", not sorry. My personal experiences aside there are many countries with very difficult circumstances but people fight instead of giving up their home land. What does sending away those who could make the biggest change (70% of the refugees are male and most under the age of 40) do for the country? The situation gets worse in their country which leads to even more refugees and Germany? Eventually Germany will fucking implode due to overpopulation because most refugees don't plan on leaving. In fact they hope to get their whole family into Germany. By then the AfD will have an even bigger fellowship and people will become progressively more hostile... And then history will repeat itself. Which will be the point when I'll pack my bags and leave.

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Omg xynox I so agree with u

Ed~ @yamadaed
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What do you think of refugees on Europe?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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