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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

@otaku, we're talking about how awesome Trump is *sarcasm*
and our plans to salute to the furher of the 4th REICH: Donald Drumf
De Heil Furher Dumpf http://www.calbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/Hitler-Trump.jpg
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@King, Oh jeez really? I heard him on the radio yesterday going on about how he loves Latinos and such. Even after his whole wall between the U.S. and Mexico and going to make Mexico pay for it fiasco. Among many other things he's said. He's PC as fuck when he thinks it will get him more votes. And he contradicts himself all the time for the same reason.
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The wall is a terrible idea lol The guy doesn't even know how much it's gonna cost. He started by saying it would be 4 billion and since then has slowly said it would cost closer to 12 billion to build. Yet experts have said that the cost could be as much as 25 billion, not including maintenance fees. http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/09/this-is-what-trumps-border-wall-could-cost-us.html
I can't say I am ready for D-Trump ... but I am ready ... I just saw the Purge Election trailer ... and it kinda scares me that our current society is so boarder-line close to the edge ... I am ready tho ... if SHTF ...
Jun 06, 16 at 12:21am
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