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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

If Trump becomes president I have a number of options. My job will be very secure, anyway. I can sell everything I have including stocks and bonds and go to Japan, Germany, Korea, or England. I'D have plenty of finances to work with.
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Watch out Sarcastic Desire, here comes the big stupid Ragna about to say some sexist remarks. I pity nobody.
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>I just like it when liberals move to Germany. The only reason you responded to her is because the fact she's a woman gets you a chance to fire off a remark at her.
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I'll have you know I have family in Germany and will definitely be able to go to college for free AND LIVE in Germany without issues so sorry to disappoint you. https://media3.giphy.com/media/BnlBjt7qtlUVG/200_s.gif http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Haha+get+it+cause+shes+a+fuck+you_063920_4204941.jpg https://static-secure.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Education/Pix/pictures/2012/3/29/1333033175066/A-traditionally-clothed-G-008.jpg ^This could be my uncle telling me "You need to come to Germany, you will be happy!" while he's gettin' his drink on and eating his nommy German foods. Also I can hang out with Max and have currywurst every day.
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I promised myself if he becomes president I'm gonna blare on my porch "Fun & Games" by Barenaked Ladies, and scream at the top of my lungs "DE HEIL DE FURHER DONALD TRUMP!" while doing the Nazi salute on his inauguration day.
screw it. scrw trump! i knew moving to montreal was a great idea
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