Any peeps in dallas?

genericscreenname @genericscreenname
Any peeps in dallas?
genericscreenname @genericscreenname
Juat curious just moved here so ..

otakusan89 @otakusan89
commented on
Any peeps in dallas?
otakusan89 @otakusan89
Theres a few but I think no one really likes to admit it over here lol

Gutzies @gutzies
commented on
Any peeps in dallas?
Gutzies @gutzies
I live just south of Denton in Corinth.

genericscreenname @genericscreenname
commented on
Any peeps in dallas?
genericscreenname @genericscreenname
Hells yeah I met couple but and I works all the time now doin fiber so with the SAO ringtine it'll call few out lols
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