
alucardz @alucardz
alucardz @alucardz
Hiiii, sorry too lazy to write something nice so I just copy pasted from my profile with bits changed xd, guys are free to welcome me too xd, looking for friends especially in London.
Hies, I am looking for a girl to enjoy anime with, don't really care how you look just be under 25 and in London. I'm a really nice guy and I pretty much love any genre of anime, to a lesser extent the really horror/gore anime, though I really love Hellsing Ultimate but that's like different xd.
I really like Gochuumon too, and my favourite anime are mostly shounen like Bleach, Naruto.. Belzebub so on. I have seen over 60 series that add up to like 300 with seasons/ova/movies..
I don't like to post my picture anywhere >.< so won't do :p
I'm tall, skinny to average-ish, black hair and i think hazel eye colour xd
Other hobbies:
Tv shows, especially supernatural and hero related shows like Arrow, Flash, Supernatural... though I also like Suits.
Cars and motorcycles.
IT/tech/photography, computers :3.
Ask me anything, oh if you are too shy to meet that's okay too, we can talk :D
That was from my profile, xd

Destroyer @destroyer
commented on
Destroyer @destroyer
Awesome profile info. Welcome to our cool site of MO, hope you enjoy it here.

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
VeZeal @axlex
Welcome, welcome to MO.
Please enjoy your stay here.

Sasaki-Kun @sasakikun
commented on
Sasaki-Kun @sasakikun
Welcome to Maiotaku! Please, enjoy your stay!

alucardz @alucardz
commented on
alucardz @alucardz
Woaa so many welcomes :3, thank you all. (hehe KinMosa)
Aaah there should be an import feature for anime, I've got soo many. I think I'll be fine with how little I added :D
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