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Questionary : hidden magazines

If you saw porn magazines under your lover's bed, would you : a) throw them b) leave them c) read them Have a nice day!
C then b followed by saying "interesting"
Mar 05, 16 at 10:18pm
Depends on what they are but I'd definitely leave them. Her mind, her kinks. If interested, C.
I have no business looking through my partner's things, so B. But if I catch her on my hard drive, I totally am going to get payback. Unless its yaoi.... Yeah... https://33.media.tumblr.com/97187c2dbbff2e1e2a4ab086620e024d/tumblr_msfztaKTlt1rdsnxoo1_500.gif
lol I would definitely read them and pic the best stuff to do. xD
Mar 05, 16 at 10:37pm
I don't really think it's right to read someone else's personal stuff and then I don't really care if they have porno mags so that just leaves B
Whoa, whoa, whoa. They still print magazines?
Sure. Find a seedy truck stop in the middle of Kansas, and look at the magazine rack. They're still around.
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