If you could live your dream?
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
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If you could live your dream?
BZ Substitute @brasszombie
I want to do more free hand metal working and less machine work. Id like a nice truck, a small Cabin style house and someone to share it with. Not a very complicated person tbh.
♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
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If you could live your dream?
♛ Juuzy Fruit ♛ @suzuya_juuzou
I'd do the work I do now (Construction, roofs. Keeps me in shape, Good money.) And have a house with my Girlfriend/ Fiance/ Wife on a piece of land just outside of town/ the city. Maybe we'll have cats or dogs because I love both... We'll probably have both lol. When I come home from work i'll wait for my girlfriend to get off work or visa/versa and we'll drink beer and cuddle and watch anime ^.^ ...and do the dirty >.<
115 @siruboo
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If you could live your dream?
115 @siruboo
live in a campervan with a small fireplace, tv, nintendo ect. then live all over the west and midwest. ive been to idaho and montana before, some day im going to wyoming and illinois.
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