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The one that got away.

I can honestly say I don't have one of those. Why? Because if I was supposed to be with that person, either I would be or I'd be working towards that, if that's what that person desired. Every other "failed" relationship have been life lessons to learn from, if I kept dwelling on "the one that got away" I couldn't look towards a positive future with anyone because that would still be somewhere in the back of my mind. Best to let go and move forward.
Feb 16, 16 at 2:08am
Some have slipped away just by time, or by distance. The ones with the subtle rejections were easy to get over. My first heavy crush (I'd wager it was my first love) left a mark though, since I really thought we got along very well. Unfortunately, I was a bit too inexperienced (lacking any real social skills offline) and didn't take the initiative. Alas, by then there was no chemistry. It took a while to get over her, since we shared a lot of the same spaces and friends. It took a few years and a few hundred miles for a while for me to get over it all. Thankfully, we're still good friends.
Holy shit Luge...we have the exact same issue
Ahh i remember Anna in freshmen year... *Sobs* she's still pretty Hot... Oh-well, she still likes my pictures on facebook and says we're still very good friends. Although the chances of us trying to date again are minimal, even if there is attraction between us.
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