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The one that got away.

Feb 15, 16 at 4:09am
Lmfao, I never talked about actual abuse. What lugexd pictures doesn't sound abusive at all. Being in a relationship with me also usually means quite a lot of emotional pain for my partner. I'm moody, selfish and have high expectations. A "nice guy" would get severely screwed over in a relationship with a girl like that. I prefer someone who has as many faults as I do. She just sounds kind of traumatised to me (whatever it is her ex husband did to her). For your own sake, drop it. She's not going to magically change.
Wow just wow XD Yes, leave it where it stands. Change either doesn't happen or takes a really long time. This actually reminds me of my cousin and her husband. Everyone in the family hates him because he is a dick head. Despite that, my cousin was so wooed by him that she married him.
More of this "nice guy," and "bad boy," crap? It isn't the "bad boy" part those women tend to like, it's the laughter, excitement and sense of adventure. As an example, the "bad boy," is more likely to trespass at a community pool with her in the night and go skinny dipping together. A "nice guy" isn't someone who would normally be up for something like that. Then they turn around and get angry when the woman does those fun things with guys who aren't "nice," like them. It's not being a cocky asshole that intrigues women, it's being able to provide them with fun, laughter and a constant. We all love anime here, but there's other things to experience in life too. It's more exciting to go out and get caught in the rain with her, having to stop under a bus bench to wait for the rain to let up. That's a hell of a lot more memorable and exciting than sitting together and just watching it on an anime. Be the one she loves to be around. --- As for the topic at hand... Yeah, I've had the one that got away back in high school. She ended up changing schools because her dad worked as a custodian at ours, and he was using co-workers to look in on her. We eventually broke up and she started dating some other bloke, been years since we've last even spoke. We left it on decent terms though. There was another I fell for pretty hard, but she didn't get away as much as I had just kicked her to the curb. I walked in on her slobbin' some guys knob in my apartment.
Lol thats hilarious gudmoore, what a stupid slut
So in other words being the stereotypical "I'm going to save you super hero", no thank you. There's this unspoken ridiculously high standard that is implanted in some cultures. It's annoying and clouds atmosphere of societies. Yes, waiting in the rain while you wait for a bus(with the lady) is a hella of a moment but the bad boy whatever is that they're both running from the police. Princesses and thrill seekers(not the good kind) gets stale after a while.
@Wertingman: Are you replying to me? I in no way condone the White Knight trope. I'm not saying to be this way to purely please a woman. It's a mantra of life in general, if you don't do things you don't experience anything. A big example being, I can now share stories with friends and new people about a time or two I've gone skinny dipping. If she's not into it, move on. The thing is that if the woman wasn't with the guy doing those things, he'd still be doing them anyway, without her. That's the secret. Never revolve your life and personality around someone else. Do it for you.
You and a few other people. I agree with you %100. You should never have a thougt," what if I would have done this". Everyone has a different taste in things. Yes, he would be doing the same thing lol
Feb 15, 16 at 9:11am
The one that got away huh? Hmmm. Well atleast you had some fun together before she got back with her ex bf. And good for her because she was still welcomed after what happened. It kinda sucks sometimes but we must always accept the possibility that relationships can end so easily. Being anxious with it doesnt really help. But when you are open with the possibility that it wont work out, it becomes less painful. I have talked to a lot of people who are really scared to lose someone who they are with now, the fear doesnt help. Fight it. Just go with the flow. Enjoy while it last :)
Nice guys finish last? They don't finish at all.
Feb 15, 16 at 11:12am
I've been on the wrong end of a triangle way more than I'd like to remember, but it is what it is. You can't put a gun to someone's head and make them like you. They either do or they don't. Some women can be fickle and flakey in that regard, but they're also ones who tend to struggle at finding and maintaining a decent relationship to boot. Even if you're enamored with her and crushing hard, sometimes her rejection is a blessing in disguise cause it's all her potential BS her ex will have to put up with and not you.
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