why dont people understand autism?

deleted @blazedawn
why dont people understand autism?
deleted @blazedawn
okay so this is something thats been bothering me for a very long time i have suffered with autism and other mental illnesses and no one seems to understand how i feel or how it makes me feel every one treats us like crud or tells us off over things they dont get we are a little more complicated than people think. so my question is what do u guys think on the autism thing and people treat us over it?

xynox @xynox
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
xynox @xynox
Idc about autism.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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why dont people understand autism?
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Wow, her fiery red hair says it all XD

deleted @blazedawn
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why dont people understand autism?
deleted @blazedawn
yup :P

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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why dont people understand autism?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

mick3 @mick3
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
mick3 @mick3
@ blazedawn all I can say is I agree with your statement to true, its seems like your looked down at when trying to make someone else try to understand.

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
lugexd @lugexd
To be honest, a lot of that deals with the fact that people find things that are unknown to them as scary. and they also look on those that are considered "less fortunate". Which sadly, anyone with a handicap of ANY sort, is tended to be looked at that way. So people will think they're better than them, even though we're all equal.

darkmagus @darkmagus
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
darkmagus @darkmagus
I dont care either, if it dosent concern me, I dont need to know about it.

lugexd @lugexd
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
lugexd @lugexd
Well, theres a difference between giving a shit/knowing and being an asshole to someone that has it.

darkmagus @darkmagus
commented on
why dont people understand autism?
darkmagus @darkmagus
Im an ass to a lot of people. I dont want very many people in my life.
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