Yaoi gif and pics

Crazy for yaoi boys @crazyforyaoiboys
Yaoi gif and pics
Crazy for yaoi boys @crazyforyaoiboys
Yaoi gif and pics
I made this forum because it be fun posting yaoi stuff.http://media.tumblr.com/456e7c4e282ff0959fc5a9f430600f6b/tumblr_inline_n975xlD49S1rsf90q.gif

Elz @enerezu
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Elz @enerezu

Crazy for yaoi boys @crazyforyaoiboys
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Crazy for yaoi boys @crazyforyaoiboys
I hope you enjoy it here.^^ And happy lat vel day.^^http://img05.deviantart.net/24e3/i/2011/043/7/8/happy_valentines_day_by_cassy_f_e-d39cqk3.png

Elz @enerezu
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Elz @enerezu
Lol gray-sama~~~

Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Rebellion @superfranky
Wait why am I here?

xynox @xynox
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
xynox @xynox

Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Rebellion @superfranky
I wonder if this will get me kicked out of the site.
It shouldn't 90% of all the people on this site are perverts.

xynox @xynox
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
xynox @xynox
Lmao, as if.. I'm sure it won't. Seen worse.

Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
Rebellion @superfranky
Hahahaha this is a fun community :).

danielle9011 @danielle9011
commented on
Yaoi gif and pics
danielle9011 @danielle9011
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