hello to fellow anime addicts!

miimuutan @miimuutan
hello to fellow anime addicts!
miimuutan @miimuutan
Hello! I just found this website and I'm really excited to be here since I have no otaku friends near me in real life. Umm let's see....I've watched 400+ anime in my otaku career (not counting manga) and I love Jpop and cats. Also I'm pretty shy so don't be mean to me pls >.< Nice to meet you all! I hope to make lots of friends here ^^

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
hello to fellow anime addicts!
VeZeal @axlex
Oh I know the feeling of having a very limited amount of otaku friends. Welcome!

repo_mandela @repo_mandela
commented on
hello to fellow anime addicts!
repo_mandela @repo_mandela
Welcome. Im new here too. If you haven't checked out Erased plz do. Its pretty dope(cool)

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
commented on
hello to fellow anime addicts!
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
Welcome to MaiOtaku! Hope you'll find it very useful. ^_^

deadlyllama @deadlyllama
commented on
hello to fellow anime addicts!
deadlyllama @deadlyllama
Hey! I'm also new! Learning the kinks :x

Orange @calmriver
commented on
hello to fellow anime addicts!
Orange @calmriver
Hello and welcome please enjoy your stay *bows*!
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