Favorite type of personality?
Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
Favorite type of personality?
Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
Mine is shy. I am also pretty shy :3
Hiatus @reicah
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Favorite type of personality?
Hiatus @reicah
Hi Yami. My favorite type of personality of a person is laidback but responsible. Everyone thinks your doing nothing or you dont care but actually everything has been taken care of already.
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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Favorite type of personality?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Mine is outgoing and fun. I myself am a shy extrovert that is grumpy. lol
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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Favorite type of personality?
BurningHalo @burninghalo
My favorite type of personality? I'd have to say I like someone humble but at the same time confident. Someone who can be assertive without being abrasive. Who respects themselves yet is comfortable admitting when they are wrong and willing to learn from mistakes. Someone who enjoys the kind of comedy I do(I agree with Sans when he spoke on the character of someone who genuinely enjoys bad jokes). Someone who's laid-back and low-key but still enjoys doing new things. Someone who's honest with others an themselves a lot more often than not. And someone who sees value in helping others for the sake of doing so. I could go on but that's all the important details.
Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
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Favorite type of personality?
Yami Bakura @fotsirk1997
You are amazing!!!
Orange @calmriver
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Favorite type of personality?
Orange @calmriver
Mine would be honesty. Some who will push me sky high and have a cool collected mind. Say what's wrong and be honest don't lie and flake out on you after you tried so hard setting up things to do, if you don't want to do it then say something. Be fun and out going like a ball of energy and mosr import be yourself :3
Izumi25X @izumi25x
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Favorite type of personality?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
I like lots of personalities for different reasons. I will start by saying one... bubbly / energetic. Whether a friendly and outgoing Saori Bajeena or a constantly active Haruhi Suzumiya...
mattsama @mattsama
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Favorite type of personality?
mattsama @mattsama
Mine would be fun and romantic. And etc ;3
Orange @calmriver
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Favorite type of personality?
Orange @calmriver
I like Izumi25X answer my favortie series is Haruhi Suzumiya and wouldn't mind having her as a wife XD!
toujou @toujou
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Favorite type of personality?
toujou @toujou
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