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Lonely nights...

I would snuggle with a kitty...or eat some cookies...
Feb 06, 16 at 7:23pm
Life gets hard at times. Life tends to go it's own way and it's up to us to keep up. You will hurt, but every morning you will hurt a little less. Until that pain is finally insignificant. Try and keep occupied. Go out and do stuff, see a movie, try new hobbies. You don't even have to go out and do anything to try a new hobby, it's something you can do in the comfort of your own home. Try writing or something artistic. From drawing to watercolors. Take that emotion you're feeling and scrawl it out, not only will you end with a feeling of accomplishment from creating something... But you'll also feel better from letting that anger and sadness out.
Feb 06, 16 at 7:25pm
Well, I'm not going to argue about it being hard. And no, a simple conversation is not a cure all, but at a moment when you feel it necessary to let random people know that there's an issue, I'd seek family or friends, even if just for a few minute relief. I've suffered from clinical depression fir years and I still have my bouts. But, being alone just makes things fester. A few moments of relief can mean a life time of persistence. It's a cycle I know all to well, depression that is. There is help and honestly, there are a few here that I could trust for a little relief, even if comedic.XD
Feb 06, 16 at 7:31pm
I cant trust my family :) i tried..so long, but its just no good .,.i m having real trust issues right now,i m so dissapointed , i want to avoid people, they seem all fake to me like i dont belong in this world ... I really try to distract myself but i End up spacing out and waiting for nach day to pass ..
Feb 06, 16 at 7:34pm
And i really did try asking for help many many times..but nobody was listening or understands that i REALLY got a big big Problem
Feb 06, 16 at 7:35pm
Welcome to the reality. Everyone out there is here to use you for their own advantage. Nice to see someone think the same.
Feb 06, 16 at 7:37pm
Yeahh.. It seems werden live in that Kind of world...
Feb 06, 16 at 7:40pm
You will get used to it. And soon grow into grumpy asshole who hates people like me. Unless a miracle happens and you will find someone who is different and genuinely does not want to use any inch of you for their benefit, which these days is hard.
Feb 06, 16 at 8:11pm
Reading helps me go to sleep. But if you're drunk then dark room Netflix or anime should do the trick. Anything to take your mind off things.
Feb 06, 16 at 8:19pm
Can you recommend me an sarcastic comedy anime , so i can laugh myself to death? I guess this would really soothe my soul now :3
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