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How to act natural around others

Im really good at being myself, which I am very weird. But I know if I ever want to date someone, I need to act normal and natural. How do I? Also thanks for the help ;3
Just saying, If they can't date you while your being you and you have to act "normal" it's not worth it, and it won't be real.
^ What she said. Be yourself, never act like something you're not.
It highly depends on how you want those dates to end and what comes after. :) If you're looking for a serious relationship, I agree with the people above me. It's ok to tone down the weirdness a little, deliver it in smaller doses but don't go the extra mile to appear something that you're not. It sends the wrong message. It causes confusion. Couple that with the inefficiency of verbal communication, lack of decent understanding plus other factors that may intervene and you have a recipe for disaster. If you're looking for a casual encounter, anything goes. With one very important rule: make sure the other person is also interested in the same thing you are and that you are in no way hurting them by pursuing that course. You have to be 100% sure about this. Some people think they're ok with just having sex and not caring about anything else but they're prone to developing later feelings they can't ignore. Others think they want a serious relationship but have no interest in making the effort required. So if I would suggest anything to you, it's to learn to read other people. And also think well about what you want.
Feb 05, 16 at 9:45pm
Birds of a feather flock together. If you're seriously worried about being weird or quirky around others and fear they might see that as a potential turnoff, my suggestion is to find similarly unique and quirky people. Many people in the anime fan community tend to be pretty accepting people. Going to cons, being in anime clubs or meetups, and seeking out similar fans is a good way to meet new people. Being 18, I don't know if you've started or plan on going to college, but believe me, as far as people being more accepting, it's like night and day from my experiences at least compared to high school. Not to mention it's much easier to find more like minded people there, and if you luck out, your local campus will have an anime club.
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