Everything Final Fantasy!

Whoethad @whoethad
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Everything Final Fantasy!
Whoethad @whoethad
FF8 all the way for me. Love the soundtrack and the military school setting. It probably had the best summon designs out of the all the FF series IMO.

PrinceOfJunes @killuainferno
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Everything Final Fantasy!
PrinceOfJunes @killuainferno
FF6, FF7, and FF10 were my personal favorites.

traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
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Everything Final Fantasy!
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
I used to have no interest in the series having only played...10 and 10-2 or whatever? But After hearing Dancing Mad I'm interested in basically every game except 7 and everything after 7.

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
Final Fantasy 7 was deffinetly the best. Dirge of Cerberus was amazing since Vincent is my favorite character and his story was beautiful and interesting.

SquallGriever @squallgriever
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Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
I never got to play dirge of Cerberus, I wanted to but just another one of those games that I want to play but get put on the back burner lol. I have sooo many things on the back burner, games and anime, it's practically a time capsule

VeZeal @axlex
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
VeZeal @axlex
@SquallGriever: You said it. I have so much manga to read, so many games to play and so much anime to watch.
I still need to finish FFX on my PS3.

Old_Account @xiao_hu
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Old_Account @xiao_hu
I've played most of the series. They're all good, just not as good as a lot of other RPGs I love, and thus I've just never been motivated to finish any of them. The closest I'm to finishing one is Bravely Default, which is part of the Final Fantasy Gaiden continuity.
I played FF8 and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Squall, but the game sucks. The junction system is confusing, and the first disk I finished, and I was just like, "This is not fun" I just don't get what the complex mechanics it introduces are supposed to do. The graphics are okay, but nothing special, this is a problem with all the Playstation Final Fantasies. I'm truly just more drawn to Xenogears or Grandia on the Playstation because they've aged so much better.
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