Everything Final Fantasy!

SquallGriever @squallgriever
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
Hey reaper, do you know anything about the conference? I would love to go but I seriously doubt i'll be able to rake up the spare cash to go. It's a good distance away from where I live. I will definitely not miss the live stream though, as long as twitch doesn't get bogged with traffic. Been waiting for a decade on news of 15. By the way, Taiyou, I just got into FFXIV again. I'm in Siren's world. Just started my animus relic weapon farming :)

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
It's free to go. You just have to reserve your ticket tho. I kinda had to stop playing ff14 because I had the free trial and no one to play with sadly. My friend that was helping me just desided to stop talking to me.

SquallGriever @squallgriever
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
If it was just one state over then I wouldn't hesitate but it's in cali, im all the way in texas. takes me ten hours just to drive past the border lol. I HATE BEING SO BROKE! but at least not too broke that I cant go to an anime con nearby once in a blue moon. Hey Mylovelyreaper, I'm sorry you didn't have anyone to play with. I never did either. I mean you can add someone as a friend or join a free company but it's not the same as having a battle buddy. I just started playing again when I join this site like a week or two ago. If you want to try FFXIV again, I'd love to join you. I can just make a new character in your world and we can kill stuff. :)

fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
fictionaldreams @fictionaldreams
IX will probably always be my favorite. Then X and IV. Really enjoyed playing IV when it came out again on DS. I still need to play The After Years.

AoAGeneral @aoageneral
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
The screen that started it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHqGiwZNTNM
FF6 is the best one to me. Which of course second is FF7. I never really got into any other FF series after that.
There is also a good remix version of FF6 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaTHfCi55PY

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
I'd like to get back to playing ff14 again. Once I build my computer.

SquallGriever @squallgriever
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
SquallGriever @squallgriever
dude youre building a pc? that's awesome! I love building computers, it's so much fun. Like a techy jigsaw puzzle. I tried making custom desktops for people but everyone just wants tablets and laptops these days. I just build one for myself and if someone likes it then i'll sell and make myself a new one. been sitting on two for over a year that I haven't been able to sell.
anyway! totally sidetracked. Anyone looking forward to the FFVII remake? I can't wait. I wonder if there will be an HD scene of Cloud during the whole crossdress fiasco lol.

darkmagus @darkmagus
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
darkmagus @darkmagus
Kinda an overated series, but 6 and 9 all the way.

Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Mylovelyreaper @rukia21love
I personally prefer ff6. Wish it would get the same treatment that ff4 go fr the ds.

Seannie @rainbowseannie
commented on
Everything Final Fantasy!
Seannie @rainbowseannie
The FF series was great... Now it's kinda meh compared to what it was, but it'd not bad. Anyway, my first FF game was 10, but I have this inexplicable love for 8. I've always loved the characters.
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