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I am bad at finding people. Please help ;-;

I am not the best at really talkung to girls and getting them to like me... um I dont know what to say. I just need advice I guess, or if any ladies are interested just friend me or send me a message. Also I am bad at telling uf a girl is flirting or just being nice. So if you like me just come out and say it. >.< I'm pretty bad at this.
Girls are human beings like any other so treat them accordingly. You talk to women all the time, they are 54% of the worlds population you can't avoid them. The difference is the mental framing of relationships between family a teacher or shop clerk and a woman you find attractive. Science has shown when a man sees an attractive woman he finds desirable as a mate (especially scantily clad or naked) a chemical reaction fires off in their brain (causing feelz/arousal) that degrade the brain's speech centers, reasoning skills, and reflexes like drinking 2 beers but it hits you within 30 seconds of seeing her. The only way to over come this is to become desensitized to it which happens naturally in time and you build tolerance to it but the wise put tight reigns on it quickly and focus on the present. The other half which is trickier when in such a state until you practice; keep your mental frame in a neutral state to the outcome of the interaction. It matters not if she likes you or not, only one way to find out and you can rarely change the outcome so accept it and move on graciously showing maturity. You are just talking to another person no big deal, she just happens to be an attractive girl and you like her. Find out who she is as a person and if you still like her tell her so. You will be crippled with anxiety or have poor outcomes if you let your body run the show. You have to be at ease and understand it is ok to be yourself and do so showing confidence and self esteem. I used to hate that advice but it is a bitter truth. You said you do not know what to say because you are afraid of being yourself and want the magic words to make it all work out without screwing it up; No risk no reward in this world my friend. In a good relationship your partner is also your best friend so you need to initially approach them as you would a friend and with the comfort of speaking plainly as you would with any other and be unapologetic and honest of your intentions and who you are. There is either going to be chemistry or a strong indicator of one to keep you interested in each other long enough to find it or not. If it turns out it's not meant to be, no hard feelings do not take it personally, it happens. That feeling you get when you see that one 'special' girl will happen to you many many times in your life when you least expect it or want it. Sometimes you do not want it to happen because you have met someone special but it will anyway and that is when the real test begins. Men and women both a have a very underestimated mechanism that manipulates them beyond reason to reproduce but it works entirely differently for men and women for different but complimentary reasons...but that is another story... TLDR; Stop sweating it and just go for it there are many fish in the sea as they say....
Women aren't some magical flower that need to be put high on a pedestal. They are normal people just like us lowly male console gaming peasants. Just say hi and talk to them like you would a male friend from the get go. Be yourself and take a genuine interest in their lives, interests, and beliefs. And be tactful in discussing those beliefs even if you don't agree with them.
Alright thanks guys. I think I kinda get it.
@Andrew, talking with women isn't always the easiest. Believe me in my high school days I was awkward as hell, but I got better in time. Repetition and comfort in talking with other people in general is always a big step in helping you talk with girls.
Ahri and lux on bot Lane U mastered talking with girls twinkle
Don't worry, Andrewkun! Most single people here are in the in same boat as you. Including me, too~! XD
Just talk to them as if they were guys. Guys with boobs. And lack Y chromosomes. And look pretty (note: there are some pretty guys out there). No need to go into detail since everyone else has covered what was needed to be said.
XD Guys with boobs.
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