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What is it like dating you?

Feb 18, 16 at 4:24pm
Well, lets see. I'm the type of guy that'll put himself through hell and back for the person he cares about. I do just about anything I can to make my partner smile. No matter how tough it is. And if I can't make her smile, I'll be there by her side as she cries. If shes mad, I'll take the yelling, though I might get mad back, but I'll always listen to the rants. I like to do things with my partner, be a part of their life. Hang out with them, know what goes on. Wether its a small detail or not. I don't always have to be there, but that person is pretty much always on my mind. And I tend to come off as "strong" because I put my heart and soul into it. So at times i can be a bit intense. I'm always willing to try new things with them, and see their side of things, why they like what they like. But I'm also the type of person that, even if I care about you, I'm not going to coddle you either. I'm always willing to point out mistakes, but if I care about you, I'm just pointing out the bad, it doesn't mean I don't care or like you less. And when you're wrong, I'll defend you against someone being mean about it, but I'll still admit that you're wrong. I'm a gentlemen. Even if I'm a sarcastic and sometimes assholeish gentlemen. And I love the sentimental things in a relationship. I don't mind just cuddling for hours. Just be with me, hold me and i'll hold you. Throw something on the tv, or play a game, and thats the perfect day/night to me.
It is a classic movie
Feb 18, 16 at 5:03pm
Probably like being on a casual/friendly job interview if we're being completely honest.
Hmm, the forum topic is like a promotion on something. xD Kidding. What is it like... Hmm. Actually, since being honest in this kind of site is the best, I won't leave any traces of doubts. I'm a kind of person who builds my own self in a kind of different due to environmental conflicts. My exterior and interior are totally different entities in real life. In my exterior side, ever since I was young, people had the impression that I am tough and strong in taking everything. Getting the high possible scores on everything and not screwing anything up. So most likely, they look at me as someone serious both in career and in studies. People think that it is unexpected if I go down on something. In short yeah, my exterior doesn't show really any emotion sides of being a female. More like due to this exterior they thought of me they have the thoughts that I prefer girls. But in reality my interior is totally different. What bothered me sometimes is that they might have the impression that I'm strong. And if they do, people won't bother me asking if am I doing fine. Yes, oh well strong people does tears too. Lol. My interior is mostly the side of me where I am showing my sweet side to the people I think they deserve to. My caring side. So if I am the one to ask of what is it like in going out with me, if you deserve it you'll see my caring side, my loyalty and yeah. The part of me being enthusiastic with my career. I don't really show my real emotions unless I am with that special someone so that's it. And I uhh bad at cooking so just you know. x'D I have no confidence in telling others that I am not the boring type of person so I'll just say that as long as there is something that has the similarity for the both if us then it's pretty fine.
Feb 25, 16 at 3:37am
gonna be quiet at first and wouldnt start the conversation and then becomes an annoying shet(when comfortable) then clingy
Loyal but pulling pranks a lot and annoying partner a lot but never take pranks to far. Make them food often. Comforting and understanding patient even when getting screamed at. Seem evil most of the time but show that I care at the same time, Take relationships at as steddy pace and get to know the other as much as possible. Show the person off who I'm with proudly, Not clingy but not to chilled out in the middle as every human needs there personal space now and then, Remind them why I fell for them at the right times, Eger to try the things they like doing even if it was ballay. Can do hair and beauty well. Many massages. Never give up if there upset till I know there okay. Always stand up for her. Having to put up with my obsessive cleaness. Many compliments and insults at same time. Much more aha
Even still people commenting. There are some diverse answers here
if you were dating me, you would be dating the dogs of hell :) jkjk im a wonderful person i swear!!!
^I'll be sure to bring doggy treats for the dogs of hell... http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr05/2013/8/14/11/anigif_original-grid-image-7504-1376492676-11.gif
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