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What is it like dating you?

The poor soul who dates me, welcome to the world of BL Jkjk
IDK never been in a real relationship but id imagine that id be pretty fun to date me based on what others have said to me but idk
Coming back to do a serious post for this thread............ I'm quite nerdy but also a chameleon. I can float around various sub-cultures easily. One moment I could be talking about gaming and computers then jump into a conversation about anime or sci-fi. I also <3 medieval fairs. They are always GREAT fun. I love to travel and see new places. Seeing great works of art and architecture in person invigorates me. I enjoy spending alot of time with the person I'm into but I wouldn't say I'm clingy. I like to have FUN most of the time but sometimes I'm drained and just need quiet time or alone time - I'm quite the introvert. I'm also like a brownie, doing things here and there to show my affection and if I'm under appreciated will leave either emotionally or physically. I'm very observant which can be a blessing and a curse. I over analyze things. Sometimes this feeds into wild imagination which then blossoms into a bombastic Oni taking a life of its own and tormenting me. I've had a bad habit of bottling things up so these things wouldn't be known unless I was ready to confront them. I'm getting better about opening up in general but I typically still think everyone walks the earth alone. So that's the good, the bad, and the ugly of me. XD PS Remus I fking love that gif.
Feb 18, 16 at 8:49am
Oohhh, maybe I should to a serious one now too. I'm funny and perverted, as well as extremely introverted. Despite being perverted I am highly respectful towards women and place a huge importance on listening to what they say. To me, romantic relationships are like a garden that need to be tended to every day. I'm dense and cannot read subtlety very well, so I place great importance on voicing any problems in the relationship the moment they occur. From my years of being a loner I still struggle to be comforting when the girl is sad, but I'm getting better at it. I try to make a point to compliment the girl every day. Oh, I'm also forgetful. I'm not good at multitasking and whenever I'm talking with my girl and doing something else at the same time I tend to forget things that are said. It's embarrassing whenever I forget things but I guess we can't all be perfect.
As for me... I'm definitely an introvert by nature and I'm lucky that I'm with a woman who is the same. Now, two introverts can be a double edged blade in that both like quiet time, but both feel like the other might be bored even if it's not like that at all...I definitely over think, but again, I'm lucky to be with a woman who gives me absolutely nothing to over think about. I tried the whole being with opposites and that was a mistake. An extrovert and introvert do not mix as well as you'd think. I need a woman who can be happy doing absolutely nothing or spending the day out. At heart, I'm a romantic and I may have perverted tendencies, but I hold my respect for the woman I'm with above all else. I'm definitely a believer in complete open communication. I can be a bit of a gamer or I can delve into the wonderful world or philosophy and spirituality. I certainly can be hard headed and argumentative in certain situations, but surprisingly, me and my current girlfriend have not had a single argument. In short, I'm a lover, I'm a strong man for what I believe is right, I will defend to the death the ones that I love and I'm a best friend to those that I love.
Usually, I am gentle, smart, reliable and have good manners. However, I am sometimes reclusive and eccentric, and occasionally talkative with my cell phone about interesting things. In my hometown area of Southeast Tennessee and upper Northwest Georgia, including Chattanooga and Chickamauga, I usually face crazy drivers on the road when riding with someone and I sometimes react to them while alerting the driver. Picking out good restaurants is sometimes hard, because between us and the restaurant is so different. I tried my sister's good suggestions and they turned out poor, while I tried a mentor of mine and Rachael Ray's preference and she gave it a 7 out of 10. There's also been some recalls about what the foods actually are exactly, like lobster imitator "langostino", which is a Spanish word with different meanings in different areas. In the United States, it is commonly used in the restaurant trade to refer to the meat of the squat lobster, which is neither a true lobster nor a prawn. Squat lobsters are more closely related to porcelain and hermit crabs. Other things that are imitation foods are parmesan cheese (wood pulp), Wasabi (horseradish and food coloring), and cinnamon (saw dust?).
I'm the tsundere stereotype that makes you realize "Oh wow there actually ARE people like that"
Feb 18, 16 at 2:37pm
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Im lazy fat annoying hard to get along with hated by most people and typically make people around me depressed due to my sad outside and if they stick around after all of these things youve got yourself a real woman(or man if youre a girl or gay)
^^^^^ Oh I also troll a lot to but seriously I treat my counterparts like they are the center of attention somewhat like a princess even if it destroys me I would risk my life to put a smile on their face Im somewhat crazy and get along with everyone but thats all i can think of right now.... maybe ill add more later
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