Forums are boring today any people in southern California

ロイ @wallace614
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
ロイ @wallace614
If so show yourself and drop a line

SixSilver @sixsilver
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
SixSilver @sixsilver
Yuuuup. And definitely would love to meet some other SoCal otakus. Show yourselves :D

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
Kyetge! @kyetge
Okay, I'm here. -reveals self by stepping out of the darkness and into the silvery moonlight that dapples an open meadow-

SixSilver @sixsilver
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
SixSilver @sixsilver
-Moonsteps my way back into this thread-
Oh hi there <(^o^)>

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
Kyetge! @kyetge
-waves awkwardly- I forgot I had this tab open.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
what time is sunset in socal?

SixSilver @sixsilver
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
SixSilver @sixsilver
around 8:30 pm lol :P

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
Kyetge! @kyetge
yup. :) I still don't feel safe walking around at night, though. xD

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
commented on
Forums are boring today any people in southern California
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
what 17 year old girl does?
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