Looking for true love

Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
Looking for true love
Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
hey, I am trying to find a special girl here. Someone similar to me.
I am shy and I cant talk to strange girls on the street and start a conversation. So I guess I try it here.
I wish to find someone who likes to cuddle a lot, someone who would like to spend a afternoon watching a movie or anime, cuddling under a blanket while I slide my fingers through her hair. Someone who really wants to be loved and who would truly love, hopefully to have a very long and maybe never ending relationship. She should be funny, crazy, loyal and perverted to be honest.
Is it so impossible to find someone like that?

Rebellion @superfranky
commented on
Looking for true love
Rebellion @superfranky
Welp if you don't find her then look on the brightside you could make a killer amount of money writing dirty books. HAHAHAHA

Verflixt @verflixt
commented on
Looking for true love
Verflixt @verflixt
Not impossible to find someone like that, just impossible to get that someone like that to like you.

Shebang @bonfiyah
commented on
Looking for true love
Shebang @bonfiyah
Not impossible. Even though you're shy, just be yourself. Talk to the girls here and stay calm. They're human just like you so it shouldn't be that difficult.

Sub @sub
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Looking for true love
Sub @sub
You have to remember that there will be a lot more to a person than what you are "looking for". But if you get out there and meet people you will find someone you like.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Looking for true love
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hey guys! I'm desperate and in need of looove! Also, I'd like some fries with my order!
Hmmm... I wonder if anyone has said they just want an ass hole? I mean, do you have to let people know that you want nice? Do you think they'll think you want a bitch otherwise? I see these.threads as a cry for pity. "I'm a nice guy with simple likes and I don't understand why people don't just flock to me because of this. Loooove me, somebody!". Is it possible that maybe you need to prove yourself worthy instead or that you're not as wonderful as you think?

Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
commented on
Looking for true love
Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
Noo, thats not it. I am seriously just a normal dude who wants a serious relationship. And I am not very nice, since I am actually quite the pervert. But either way, my wish is to have a long relationship with someone similar to me. This is probably not only a cry for someone to love me, but also a thread where I just say what I actually wish and maybe someone who thinks the same way will read it.

Max @reclaw
commented on
Looking for true love
Max @reclaw
You have to look at it from the psychopath-perspective. You stand above all other human trash, they are worthless compared to you. It is an honor for them if you talk to them. With this attitude, and maybe some minor acting skills, just approach some women (of your choice ofc) and ask them for directions or something to initiate a conversation (start with a compliment, that always works). You will notice that the image you create of yourself is pretty darn hot in the eyes of most women. Of course, while seemingly arrogant, always stay determined and classy.
Side-note: My hobby more or less is acting, because I like to create appearances of another me in the eyes of strangers. Since I have become VERY good at that over the years, I started trying out some fun stuff with it. The previous paragraph describes one thing I observed.
I just felt like sharing this, because you all tell me you don't know how to approach a woman in public.
If you are ugly AF, forget all the above.
That all of course just helps you initiate some kind of vague acquaintance - you will have to get to know the other individual yourself. Then you can decide if it's relationship-material.

Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
commented on
Looking for true love
Kou Ryutsune @ryutsune
Wow, thats great, thank you. I study a lot of psychology so your method actually sounds interesting for me. I will try that out, thank you very much :)

MaliceRaven @maliceraven
commented on
Looking for true love
MaliceRaven @maliceraven
I have not laughed so hard in a while.
Thanks マックス.
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