convention horror stories
swiggity_cat @swiggity_cat
convention horror stories
swiggity_cat @swiggity_cat
So I'll go ahead and start off lol. This story takes place at my third ever convention going to, I was with my roommate and I was cosplaying as blackjack and she was cosplaying hiro from big hero 6. We were enjoying our time getting pictures having pictures taken blah blah it wasn't until near the end of the day this random guy walks up to us or mainly my friend and start going on about how Tadashii had sent him from the future to tell him not to masturbate at night. At first it was kind of funny, but then he wouldn't stop we tried to get away from the guy for a good half an hour when we have thought we'd finally lost the guy we saw him again at a karaoke contest when he made eye contact with us he pointed us out, while he was on the mic no less, and pointed at my friend and said I know what you do at night. We decided we couldn't take it anymore so we left for the night
soleil @soleil
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convention horror stories
soleil @soleil
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Cero @cero
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convention horror stories
Cero @cero
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swiggity_cat @swiggity_cat
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convention horror stories
swiggity_cat @swiggity_cat
Oh wow, I had that happen to me before. I was at anime week Atlanta i was cosplaying Black Rabbit From Problem Children Are Coming from another world aren't they, this guy comes up to me and asks me for a picture with him, so my boyfriend is taking the picture and the guy moves his hand from my shoulder to my butt. :/
soleil @soleil
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convention horror stories
soleil @soleil
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elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
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convention horror stories
elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
hate stuff like that as well. it happen to me as well but girl want to picture with me and her hand move down to my 6pac when i was cosplay anubis ma'at from Kamigami no Asobi. = =;;
shoujo_zo @shoujo_zo
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convention horror stories
shoujo_zo @shoujo_zo
I've only been to one convention, hm.... I guess it was pretty terrifying when I couldn't check in to the convention hotel because I was 18 and they didn't accept my payment yet because of that, & was faced with the decision of not knowing what the heck to do or taking up the offer of some creepy guy to let me & my friend stay with him... we had hung out for like a total of an hour, no way was that in any way an option. It all worked out though, my parents called down there & we were able to check in smoothly x.x
Or, when I went to my first & only 18+ panel... innocent me, never had a date in my life, decided to check out Take One Productions' 18+ panel and they basically were telling a bunch of sex stories and I was sitting in the back my face probably beet red from the things I was hearing x_x I wanted to escape but someone had already gotten made fun of for leaving early on lol
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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convention horror stories
Chocopyro @chocopyro
If anyone could remember more clearly, please correct me if I'm wrong on the details. But I recently talked to someone when working security at Ohayocon 2016 (I could get into those stories a little later, but for now, we're talking about a different con), who reminded me of Collossalcon 2007. A con that nearly got pushed out of my memory, yet one we have affectionately dubbed "Disastercon".
Back in 07, Collossalcon was a very different convention from what it is today. It was in Cleveland, in a much smaller hotel as opposed to the Kalahari Resort, and even back then, the convention was growing too large for its location. Add to that, we also had a wedding party, and a swinger's meet up going on at the exact same time. So not only were we crowded, but these three groups had to share the space with the other two groups, who's ways were completely foreign and different from their own. The result? Basically anything that could go wrong at a convention did. There was a boy wearing a skirt who got beat up by some of the wedding people, the swingers were awkwardly hitting on some under aged girls, the wedding people were complaining to the cops about us for "Picking fights with them" when in reality we were trying to stay as far away from them as possible, and they were the ones picking fights with us. So the cops get involved, and naturally side with the wedding people, and they go around questioning cosplayers. Many cosplayers hid in their rooms the entire time because they were afraid of getting arrested, and then after the con, there was a missing girl report, but that turned out to be related to the latter case since someone hid in their room even after the convention ended. Strangely, inspite of all this, I had a great con that year, so I only remember bits and pieces of it, as it blurs together with a lot of my first conventions. But that's just my wild, rebellious youth I guess.
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