cosplay partner always good
elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
cosplay partner always good
elias_ainsworth @anubismaat
Always find a good relationship is be partner with that person. like you cosplay a character from anime and then do same thing like kakashi and anko or Sasuke and Sakura. i find it to be really good idea because you can sharing the photo-shoot, act like a couple and it lot fun that way because you doing as couple that like cosplay.
rainbowcake @rainbowcake
commented on
cosplay partner always good
rainbowcake @rainbowcake
That sounds fun but I'll be too embarrassed to cosplay and anxious. (O_O )
Rain @rainx
commented on
cosplay partner always good
Rain @rainx
It'd be cool, but I'd need major help putting any sort of worthwhile cosplay together. I can't sew for crap and could pretty much contribute payment for materials and labor. XD
slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
commented on
cosplay partner always good
slapthefatcat @slapthefatcat
Cecil - I feel ya, but sewing is the one thing I can do.
Topic response - I wish I wasn't afraid to be rejected. LOL. I've only gone to photoshoots since this most recent Otakon, and I've been going to cons since 2008.
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