Things that make you cry!

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Things that make you cry!
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Film thats make Alex QQ: A Walk To Remember
Drama that make Alex QQ: 1 Litre of Tears
Memories that make Alex QQ: Grandfather passing away
Attacks that make Alex QQ: 1 thousand years of pain (sennen goroshi)
Concepts that make Alex QQ: The fact that I don't have a girlfriend right now
Moments that make Alex QQ: When Ash turns to stone and Pikachu starts QQ

ロイ @wallace614
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Things that make you cry!
ロイ @wallace614
wow that was really well done k3nsh1

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Things that make you cry!
Kyetge! @kyetge
OMG I forgot to add the moment when Ash turned to stone. My bottom lip is wiggling now. >.<

ロイ @wallace614
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Things that make you cry!
ロイ @wallace614

Lamby @momoichi
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Things that make you cry!
Lamby @momoichi
thinking about my bf and sad kittens and puppys >.< thoughs poor kittens and puppys >.<! and Nagisas death and Koyomi running threw the house crying "ill be a good girl!" and Sunohara being serious for once in his life talking about the forgotten Fuko and sad stuff on tv and when wallE forgets eve and eves all liek "eve...wallE..." and when nemos mom dies and marlins holdin nemo as an egg sayin hell name it nemo and akemi with how hard she tried it still ended the same as always and finally when the Chimera guy (shat, forgot his name >.< but u knw the guy) uses his daughter but not the Brotherhood version >.< but Kaminas death just made me mad XP

Mr. Mimic @mrmjk
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Things that make you cry!
Mr. Mimic @mrmjk
Movies about dogs and they die in the end. The time it looked like bulbasaur died, feeling forgotten, having to bury a pet, Wolf's Rain.

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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Things that make you cry!
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
Oh my god, I didn't cry for like three or four years and I watched Wolfs rain, the amount of tears that came from the ending of that movie, I lost it over Hige, utterly lost it.....
Dead anything makes me cry, abusive people, yelling, loneliness, being ignored, not being understood, people not

Proud Beast @proudbeast
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Things that make you cry!
Proud Beast @proudbeast
A family member passing away, going to a friend's funeral, Mufasa dying in Lion King, Clannad was just a bag of sad, Ano Hana squeezed out a tear, and chopping onions. All in that order to be precise.

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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Things that make you cry!
SimonSan @simonsanbr
That episode of One Piece where they the Going Merry dies (sad cry)
When Naruto beats Pain and Kakashi carries him back the village and all the villagers give him the acknowledgment he has always desired (happy cry)

kevinburgerz @kevinburgerz
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Things that make you cry!
kevinburgerz @kevinburgerz
Grave of fireflies.
This scene in particular...
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