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Stopping stalking on this site

Oh yeah? Wasn't that one of the couples that brought their real life problems to MO? @verucassualt
not a couple
@Wertingman: It was really only one of them. The other grew wise and at least tried to ignore and avoid him. Eventually several of us jumped on him and it STILL didn't deter him. Not until now, because it looks like he's finally banned/suspended. So hopefully Sephy stepped in.
Okay, that makes sense now
EVERYONE REMEMBER IF YOU ARE TOO CREEPY THE ENTIRE SITE WILL RISE UP AGAINST YOU, then you'll have an army of angry otakus running you out of the site.
Feb 05, 16 at 11:26pm
I told him not to mess with Xynox anymore, but he just wouldn't listen. He was unable to. He told me that he was planning to seek professional help for it after the exams. I certainly hope he stays true on his word or the next step is him getting arrested.
I just told xynox to get someone to kick his ass for her lol. She said that the police can't do anything because she has no proof. Now that I think about it wouldnt the messages that she's gotten from him on this site be sufficient enough to be considered proof?
I actually reported several times a lot of his comments and talked about him with a mod some time ago. So I'm partly responsible. I think xynox mean that she has no physical proof of threatening.
Yeah that is what she said, that's why I told her to just get someone to beat the piss outta him. That's assuming if he's as bad as everyone is making him out to be. I mean would you wait for someone to physically harm you before doing something?
@SuperFranky: I don't recall anyone making him out to be a badass. Just someone who is incapable of listening and believes he outright deserves responses. Regardless if he's harassing you or not. So no, not a badass. Just an ass.
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