When you're stressed

Jinsei @jinsei
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When you're stressed
Jinsei @jinsei
I focus on my next moves. You can only be frustrated about things in the present or past. Can't be frustrated with something that hasn't happened yet.

BloodCursedWolf @bloodcursedwolf
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When you're stressed
BloodCursedWolf @bloodcursedwolf
Look at Twitter dramas between two dumb-asses or play videogames.

Wagen @ivo
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When you're stressed
Wagen @ivo
I go to a place where I can be alone, or just take a walk.

Hiatus @reicah
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When you're stressed
Hiatus @reicah
I spend money - on arcades, movie theatre or just have a 1 hour run in our area. At night, I usually go for one bottle of apple flavored beer lol. And then I sleep longer than 7 hrs.

Arc @arc
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When you're stressed
Arc @arc
video games, simply put

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
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When you're stressed
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
Doing things I like to do and hanging out with my close friends usually helps relieve stress. :3
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