Well it's 2016, why not try this again?

chaotic_nyan @chaotic_nyan
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
chaotic_nyan @chaotic_nyan
Hey guys, I used to be on here a while back but then kinda gave up. I guess I'm seeing if 2016 is going to be any different, so I'm back on MO =^.^=

daquanthebig420 @daquanthebig
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
daquanthebig420 @daquanthebig
how is u

Wing's of freedom @wingsoffreedom
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
Wing's of freedom @wingsoffreedom
Hello im new here my name is shina hang it's nice to see everyone. my fav anime is gundam's and aquarion and deadpool hope to make cool friend's http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/b/bd/Wing-zero-morishita.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100927070632

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
JackTechno @jacktechno
Hi Tally! Welcome back! I love those headphones. I'd get a pair, but I don't think I'd look good with cat ears. You sound like a cool guy from your profile. Also, it's nice to meet another Nightcore fan. Most people around me don't get it, but I think the songs are awesome.
Welcome to anime land, Shina! Hope you enjoy it here.

Wing's of freedom @wingsoffreedom
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
Wing's of freedom @wingsoffreedom
I love nightcore and thank you techno http://img09.deviantart.net/556a/i/2013/186/5/3/wing_zero_custom_by_zersphaiz-d6c6ykf.png

chaotic_nyan @chaotic_nyan
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
chaotic_nyan @chaotic_nyan
Hey guys, thanks for the welcome! Sorry for the late replies, been traveling for work. How's everyone's 2016 turning out so far?

hentaimasterlonewolf9000 @hentaimasterlonewolf9000
commented on
Well it's 2016, why not try this again?
hentaimasterlonewolf9000 @hentaimasterlonewolf9000
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