current shounens

dsquare @dsquare
current shounens
dsquare @dsquare
hello world, looks like the forums are a bit more lively now! so maybe I'll have myself a return to the website~ so my question is; is anyone currently reading any of the weekly shounen jump releases? and if yes, which?
I've been pretty bored with how some are turning out and a nice discussion/debate would be nice right about now. ;3

fujinkeima @fujinkeima
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current shounens
fujinkeima @fujinkeima
I read Naruto,Bleach,One Piece,Reborn and Fairy Tail (though it's no SJ)
In a nutshell;
-One Piece is going strong,as usual.Not much to say here.
-After the underwhelming last arc,I must say,I adore the new/last arc (or at least,how it's building up so far).Bleach is the one manga I'm the most eager about :D
-Naruto..Meh.I'm interested in seeing what comes next,but really I don't expect much.
-Ditto for Reborn.
-Fairy Tail is the same case as Bleach,though I'm nowhere as hyped here.

Lamby @momoichi
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current shounens
Lamby @momoichi
lol if walmart has it in stock i usually get a Shonen Jump but mainly for Naruto. Bleach and One Piece too but im abit lost in them (which sucks cuz One Piece is a great anime XP) i think Shonen Jumps doing fine XP not there biggest fan but the stuff i do reads pretty amazing and Naruto, Bleach, and One Pieces have only gotten better from there begining days i think

toritori @toritori
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current shounens
toritori @toritori
Now both Naruto and Bleach are long gone, and One Piece is going to end in 5 years according to Oda. 5 years is only enough for 3 or 4 long form One Piece arcs too :(

Lamby @momoichi
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current shounens
Lamby @momoichi
werent they just going to the grand line? how long does that take???
chainsaw man is my current favorite shonen

toritori @toritori
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current shounens
toritori @toritori
I mean if you count in-universe time only 3 or so years have passed in One Piece

Lamby @momoichi
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current shounens
Lamby @momoichi
damn so they are still looking for the grandline xD??
i thought they would have moved on to something else
no spoilers though please i really do wanna read the manga sometime

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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current shounens
BurningHalo @burninghalo
Read One Piece Lamby its amazing

toritori @toritori
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current shounens
toritori @toritori
Nope they got bored trying to find the grand line and spend the rest of the series seeing how far they can stretch luffy’s dick

Lamby @momoichi
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current shounens
Lamby @momoichi
i watched the anime while it was on toonami, and i got in the manga up to meeting boogy the pirate
hard to reread stuff i saw in the anime xD
trying to read the naruto manga too, blast from the past =w=
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