corrupted wishes
techno_owl @techo_owl
corrupted wishes
techno_owl @techo_owl
so this is how its gonna go someone makes a wish then the person bellow will grant that wish but corrupt it
me: i wish i had a million dollars.
person bellow me: Granted, but you stole it and you are now being pursued by police.
something like that, this is probably out.
any ways here we go.
I wish I could fly.
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
corrupted wishes
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
One already exists. :P
Although granted, it's been over a week since someone posted in it.
techno_owl @techo_owl
commented on
corrupted wishes
techno_owl @techo_owl
damn had a feeling, was just to lazy to look, oh well
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