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@Pandah How's Fatal Frame 5? I was thinking of playing the Fatal Frames, but I don't have the room on my Wii-U for 5. Was wondering if it's worth formatting an external drive to download it to/play it.
@Marche Depends on you really, to me they're really good and one of my favorite horror games beside Silent Hill. I've so far enjoyed it and I've enjoyed the fact that your controller is basically the camera, they've also added a chapter system where you can continue on each chapter at your own pace, use your points for items/camera upgrades. I'd definitely get it if you like atmospheric horror games, naturally those types like to use minor jumpscares but not in an obnoxious way, all but the 4th and 5th were on the Xbox/PS2 :D You don't need to worry from what I've seen as 5 doesn't seem to continue from any of the older games outside the fact the character from the first game is in this one. (Haven't played 4 due to the fact it was solely a Japanese release, you'll need a modded Wii or import the game and download the english patch off the internet that was made for it)
Ooh, good to hear. I love atmospheric horror games. And I love that the controller is the camera. That must be a match made in heaven for the series. (Too bad there probably won't be another console like it for any future Fatal Frames though.) I should be able to get my hands on the first three pretty easily, and I'll figure something out for the fourth. Looking forward to playing them! Since you mentioned Silent Hill, I've been wanting to go through those sometime, too. I played through the first one a couple of years back, but unfortunately haven't gotten to any others yet. I was just planning on playing the second, third, and fourth one, but do you think there are others that are worth playing?
Ehhh, some of em have been pretty bad the newer they are in my opinion. I did like Shattered Memories, I played that on the Wii and it was pretty creepy to me because they take a psyche profile of you to make it creepier for you xD
Oh yeah, I did play Shattered Memories (on the PSP). I always forget that one for some reason. Yeah that one was surprisingly good. But from what you said I think I'll just stick to my plan of playing 2-4 then.
If you haven't bought the games yet, get the HD version that comes with 2 and 3 remastered, might save you a little bit of money in the long run!
Yeah, I imagine it's cheaper, but I've heard bad things about the HD version. I heard it has performance issues on PS3 (which is what I'd have to get it for) and they removed stuff like grain and fog effects, which is just crazy since that stuff adds so much to the atmosphere. I'd much rather pay more for an original copy if it means experiencing those games the way they were meant to be experienced. Unless they fixed all that and I just didn't know about it. But I would be really surprised if they did.
I'm not sure, I can't quite remember it because I remember renting SH 3 when I was younger xD I replayed the HD but I didn't quite see a difference but that might be the time between playing the game
Warframe, about to go fuck shit up.
Battle Ages-Meh still in development Clash Royale-I honestly don't play it. I just collect chests so I can continously upgrade.
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