What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
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What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
Pretty much, son.
Devnull @haskell
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What game are you currently playing?
Devnull @haskell
Been playing Apex Legends and Dead by Daylight a lot recently. I migrated over to the Steam version of Apex but I have played plenty of hours. I'm a Revenant main. Would be nice to play with others.
Schoko @schoko
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What game are you currently playing?
Schoko @schoko
I'm playing Fallout 4 again, damn
Lot of Eso and Outward too
Planned: the Witcher 1 and Thief
neeto @neet_one
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What game are you currently playing?
neeto @neet_one
Bought a switch the other day, played splatoon2 for a good while on it.
weebyot @weebyot
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What game are you currently playing?
weebyot @weebyot
GTA5. Hella late I know but I've had the game forever & just didn't think it was something I would enjoy. I've played a few times but randomly decided to play yesterday. I played Trevor for the first time and was hooked. I've been so into it I've pursed my lips (a habit when concentrating) to the point I have open sores on the insides of both my lips from my teeth. :,)
geckocalypse @geckocalypse
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What game are you currently playing?
geckocalypse @geckocalypse
Doom 2 is the game I've played more than any other game with it's 26 years of user content that they still keep making.
One thing that I like about the brutal mod is that they changed the Icon of Sin so that it's not a texture on a wall anymore.
Veru @verucassault
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What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
@weebyot Yeah. Trevor is possibly the best character out of the series.
How do you make a meth head sociopath a likable character? Rockstar knows.
weebyot @weebyot
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What game are you currently playing?
weebyot @weebyot
@verucassault Ikr?! Any game that gives me an option, I go the chaotic route. Trevor is beyond anything I can predict and I love it. I can honestly say this game was one of the only few I experienced pure joy while playing, I had srsly no clue how story-based Rockstar games are. I'm 100% getting Red Dead after this.
Veru @verucassault
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What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
I love when the game switches characters at the end of missions because whenever it switches to Trevor you never know what he's going to be into. 0o
Veru @verucassault
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What game are you currently playing?
Veru @verucassault
What's happening Trev
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