Hola =)

FerSanchez @fersanchez
Hola =)
FerSanchez @fersanchez
hi, I am Fernanda, little new on this place. Looks like great anime community website.
Is this active? my english a little weak, i'm sorry :(

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hola =)
Jessie @erendel
Hello there Fernanda! :O
Welcome to MO! ^u^

FerSanchez @fersanchez
commented on
Hola =)
FerSanchez @fersanchez
why thank you :)

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
commented on
Hola =)
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
Hola! ^u^ welcome to MO! ^u^ *waves with a smile* I hope you have a fun time on here and make lots of friends! >u<

decathion @decathion
commented on
Hola =)
decathion @decathion
Hello Fernanda its nice to meet you :D and yes this place is active and a lot of fun! hhmmmm is it spanish that is your main language? (sorry if it sounds mean its my first language and i speak it fluently.)

FerSanchez @fersanchez
commented on
Hola =)
FerSanchez @fersanchez
yes , Spanish is my main language but, i want practice English as it is weakness i have.
No! it not sound mean, i am not offended jaja!

Pika-chan @regianox
commented on
Hola =)
Pika-chan @regianox
Hello ^w^ Nice to meet you~
Please enjoy your stay and make lots of new friends

decathion @decathion
commented on
Hola =)
decathion @decathion
well then this is a good place to practice your english since a lot of people here love talking about anime, video games, and other random things. You'll make tons of friends here.

japan girl gamer @japangirlgamer
commented on
Hola =)
japan girl gamer @japangirlgamer
hello everyone im new here my name is lucy and im from japan l love to play video games and anime

카덴자 @sdcadenza
commented on
Hola =)
카덴자 @sdcadenza
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