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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

Huh And here I thought Female Virgins were much rarer even ones your age.
^sure gonna puke at this comment
I know, I'm stupid.
Well I really wanted to keep my virginity for a while.. it was a choice and I had chances to lose it, but I wanted to wait... lol I feel like I missed out on a lot..
Sex is just sex dude, truust me save for the right person. I lost mines, when i was 16 yrs. I wish that i saved it, instead of thinking with my dick.
I never got the whole "save it so it means something" For me I always remember the first time, it just happened and I went with the flow. Because its the first time it makes it "special" and looking back I remember thinking how it wasn't anything major. A lot of it comes down to your own personal views, society, culture. You should never feel bad for being a virgin and I can guarantee when someone is ready to sleep with you they won't care about your sexual past.
Im already 22 and still a virgin hahahahaha. My bf kinda did not dig in when I ALMOST gave him my chastity 4 years agoooooo. I guess thats good since he ended up being a douche in the end. I was saved LOL. Anyway...being a male virgin for someone like is...sexy*coughs* I mean it means your so pure and untainted and maybe sensitive? Kekekekke. You might be an inner beast inside burning with passion and love...who knows? Ahh sex should be about instincts...yeah pure instincts bwahahahaha
I'm not a girl but being a virgin in general is not a big deal whatsoever no matter what your age is. A lot of people seem to believe that being a virgin is a red flag and it makes you a loser and it doesn't mean that at all, not in the slightest. It just means you haven't had sex yet, you're pure and honestly that can be a good thing as when the time comes where you lose your virginity you can make sure that you lose it to someone you love. But then again how you lose it is really up to you in the end. At the end of the day, if someone is willing to spend the night with you then there's a very good chance they aren't going to care about what kinky stuff you've been up to or lack thereof. I lost mine roughly six months after I turned 16 with my girlfriend at the time and I don't regret it one bit.
I hate it when people say "being a virgin means you are pure" - this implies that anyone who isn't one is somehow "not pure" The fact of the matter is - being a virgin / not being a virgin is fine. It is perfectly normal to have sex / not have it.
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