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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

Sigh I'll restart it
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The way i see this is the way i percieve everything. No matter what it is you do in life people are going to be unhappy with it, so might as well please yourself. If you want to save yourself for when you meet someone you can connect with, that is awesome! Fuuuuck what other people think. Do what you want, at the end of the day what you care about, is all that really matters. How do you think people became successful at whatever they do? They did what they wanted, and ignored all the insults. Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of. I was one not too long ago, and i can tell you personally, it's not a big deal. So just be who you are.
It's true that those stigmas exist, but it's really sad that they do. I think it's really special when people make that difficult choice and stick with it. It's really difficult. I was a virgin until I got married and I'm pretty proud of that, even though people judged me for it. And I plan on being abstinent again while I'm dating (sadly I'm divorced). It's what I'm comfortable with. People may think of me as a prude but I'm not going to change to fit their standards. It's your body, treat it how you want to and don't listen to anyone who tells you what THEY think you should be doing with it. It's no one's business.
Like i said I just want my first time to mean something, rather than just a one night stand or even more so just buying a hooker and getting it out of the way. Of course once i do, skies the limit at that point.
One of the things with waiting for the first time to "mean something" means you are putting sex on a pillar and build it all up. You shouldn't wait for the special time just go with the flow and if it feels right do it.
Idk...i guess im just a romantic like that.
Sex is not magical. Sex is not mystical. Sex is not ethereal. Sex is not mysterious. Sex is not always romantic. Sex is what you make of it, yes. But, I can tell this to those who wait, don't make it seem so untouchable that when you do have Sex, it's a let down. Don't get me wrong, with the right person, Sex is an awesome and to some extent almost spiritual experience. I just feel that some here may be setting themselves up for disappointment. All it boils down to is a meat stick and a wet hole. Also, here's an honest tip, be careful how ya "please" yourself, you can destroy any hopes for an awesome first time. Other than that, I actually commend those who have the will and strength to overcome their instinctual urges.
Your situation sounds like mine in a way. Though Im not a virgin, I found that when I entered college girls did not want to mess with me because I was really reserved in my speech and actions- the only person who was mildly interested was a catholic girl who was strict as heck and not worth the trouble pursuing. I find that even the least aggressive of girls nowadays want someone who is experienced at least a little bit. Ive never met a girl who thought this was cute, but I use to hang with some losers so no fear. If I were you I wouldnt mention it to potential flames. You should just get it over with to get experience so your future wife or husband marvels at your prowess.
I think the fact that you've kept yourself from giving into society's standards and pressures is great. It's a sign or self-respect. People should lose their virginity how and when they want to, (and if they don't ever want to, that's fine as well - I'm including asexuals here <3). If anything it makes me personally breathe a bit easier if a guy I'm interested in is a virgin, it takes a lot of pressure off ^_^"
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