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sooo what is you opinions on other relationships.....

that are friend zoned, rather do you cut it off if you get too intimate or do you give it a chance, some guys and gals usually drop the "maybe we should wait" or "this is too soon". now I am completely okay with any scenario IRL, I prefer if we start things off slow, what about yours~
The friend zone doesn't really mean much. People seem to creep in and out of that zone on a regular basis. If a relationship gets intimate and i actually do start having an interest in that person, then yes i will give it a chance. I don't see why I would deny myself.
some males and females love to play with other guys emotions it really hurts alot of people causing them to become distant~
I won't really care after a day or two and move on.
Cut it off. It's easy to fall for someone who tries to win you over and is in love with you without actually liking them for them but just because the attention feels good. To avoid that I'd never actually "friendzone" a guy/girl. Prevents a lot of emotional damage on both sides.
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Honestly, if I've expressed serious interest in a girl and they aren't interested back, depending on the circumstances, I've usually cut contact way back or completely. Most of my female friends these days consist of gf's/wives of my males friends, lesbians, or are too young/old for me to realistically consider dating. I think in the last 15 years, I've personally friend-zoned three girls irl. One had a lot of social/emotional baggage she clearly needed to work through even if she herself consistently pined for and was insistent she could handle a relationship, one was too unattractive, and the other was a single mother of a young toddler who had plenty of baby daddy issues. Only one of the three actually approached me about any sort of dating and the other two dropped a handful of hints I could pretty easily pick up on. I don't like being "that guy" I guess sometimes, but we all have standards to an extent. Every successful relationship I've had I've been the one to broach the question and put myself out there, and the one girl was the only time since my early 20's a girl has asked me for a date and why I wish more girls would get over the social stigma of the guy having to ask the girl out. It's 2015. If you're honestly uncomfortable with the idea of a girl asking a guy out in this day and age, I'd really question your maturity and ability to handle a long-term relationship. And I don't mean because you're too nervous to do so. That's a completely understandable reaction.
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