Does appearance really matter?

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
yeah it does. As much as I rather it not it seems to be the main thing that initiates an interest. I've only every once in a while approached a girl based on her attitude soley.

Nakama @jacob1
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Does appearance really matter?
Nakama @jacob1
Yeah it does.

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
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Does appearance really matter?
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
It absolutely matters! BUT; please hear me out ^u^
You should be attracted to your partner's appearance~ that's just something that should be there! But that should most definitely NOT be the only thing! You should love everything about your partner, from their personality to their appearance to their likes and dislikes, even to the way they blink if you wanna get literal ouo!
And second; don't think for a second that anybody isn't beautiful or attractive on the outside~ there are many many many people on this planet with many many many different likes and dislikes! And people will like different stuff ^u^! There will be someone who sees you for who you are!
Remember; everyone is perfect! You're perfect! You may not be flawless, but you're perfect! Because you're the perfect you! There's no better you in this whole world! You're the perfect you there is! ^u^

J @j_oxford
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Does appearance really matter?
J @j_oxford
Here is attraction described like fishing.
Appearance being the bait and personality being the hook.

xynox @xynox
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Does appearance really matter?
xynox @xynox
It does. J's metaphor pretty much nailed it. I have to be physically attracted to somebody to even notice them as a possible romantic partner. But if the personality is awful it won't be more than a fling.

reprisal_1903 @reprisal_1903
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Does appearance really matter?
reprisal_1903 @reprisal_1903
I agree that appearance does matter until a certain degree. The appearance doesn't only tell how pretty someone is, or what kind of features they have. I couldn't care less, what I do care about is how people take care of themselves. They say don't judge a book by it's cover, but sometimes the cover tells you some important things about the book (lifestyle for example).

xypho @xypho
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Does appearance really matter?
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
To put it bluntly - yes, appearance does matter; and in a pretty huge way. Personally, if I'm looking to date someone I actually want to be physically attracted to them. If I'm not feeling that attraction towards them then I just feel like I'm wasting my time when it comes to dating - but I can definitely be friends with them if the other person is ok with that. If I find someone pretty and attractive and their personality matches then I definitely see them as someone I'd date.

xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Does appearance really matter?
xxx @__removed_uguubox

xueli @xueli
commented on
Does appearance really matter?
xueli @xueli
It matters, but it's not the only thing that matters.
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