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Love triangle situation

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yes but it was a complex situation, when i was with my ex and my ex before that came back to my life and strayed me from my path and i almost cheated on my ex with my ex...ik confusing
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Nov 26, 15 at 11:48am
Been there, done that. But I didn't date either so it resolved itself.
Nov 26, 15 at 12:26pm
I've definitely been the third wheel or on the outside looking in where the girl picked someone else over me. But I can at least say I've never broken a couple up or knowingly dated someone who was already in a relationship. My mentality is, if someone is willing to cheat on their significant other or leave someone for me, what's to stop them from doing the same to me down the road?
Dec 19, 15 at 8:57pm
im kinda in one right now but its complicated because both of them have strong feelings for me and we act like were together but they want to wait till we hook up the thing is as well is that one is a counter opposite of the other like one is very sexual and very like sociable and the other one is like super sheltered and doesn't want to do anything adventurous but we relate more than the other chick. i just don't think ill be able to dedicate to a relationship with 0 activities despite our similar personalities. the weirder thing is that they both live one hour from me one north and one south
Harem in real life is SO FREAKING STRESSFUL. I hope that this situation never happens to anyone in real life. It sucks because everyone wants you to choose. If you don't choose then you're going to end up alone or with a crazy person(the most aggressive one). If you do choose but choose wrong, you ruin your chance with the right girl/boy. It sucks really bad if you have feelings for all of them. I have had this happen to me 3 times. So so stressful >~<
If you really want to make a multiple partnered relationship (harem) work you must discuss it with all partners is the best advice i can give. Perhaps one at a time and then all together usually works best to set rules and establish boundaries, but the thing is you don't chose one over the other. You respect them both and give them each the same love and affection equally. Sometimes this can be hard but there are ways to keep track of it all. These relationships are often called polyamorous or something to that effect. It can work with great success and can be awesome to be in. For me, I am in a triad, my SO and her BF. We all know each other and hang out together. He is an awesome guy too. We have many things in-common and get along well. We do hang out together and some of our friends and family know him. We treat it as an equal partnership meaning I am not over him and he is not over me. We both equal to her and each other. So we have a true reverse harem here and its good. We've been together all of us for over a year and it works. So yeah any questions? feel free to ask.
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