Questions for gay/bi peoples

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Questions for gay/bi peoples
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Soo, is there like a good way to tell your friends and family you may just like the same sex?
I'm not really close with my family, but I'd still like them to know I'm a bit curious just so I can preempt any suspicion (really unlikely that they would suspect anything since I've brought girls home to ma a few times over)
How did you go about doing it? I'd like to at least go to my next military command with my coworkers knowing I'm bi because it kind of sucks when guys flirt with me and my friends laugh it off and I have to go with the flow and act like the dude's crazy.
I rather not just surprise my friends at my current command out of the blue.
So, how did yall break the troublesome (haha) news to your friends, coworkers, and family?
What was their reaction?
At work, did you find a change in the overall atmosphere or was it all in your head?

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Oh, and yall don't have to be gay/bi to answer, I'm open to hear all advice

lovelyass @lovelyass
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
lovelyass @lovelyass
This account has been suspended.

ssj2morgan @ssj2morgan
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
ssj2morgan @ssj2morgan
just do you man, and be who you are, tough shit if they dont like it.

lunathecat @lunathecat
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
lunathecat @lunathecat
I just told my parents straight forward. My mom says she doesn't care as long as I supply her with grandbabies, and my dad doesn't care at all. They agreed getting angry over orientation only stops you from being able to be there for your loved one, and even if you don't like it you shouldn't shun them. I've found that i'm slowly opening up to family but i've got too many religious family memebers that shun me for some of my democratic beliefs even though I am a centrist, so i'm definetely not going to tell them the truth of what I am, just leave them guessing! ;) Now, some of them think i'm gay all the way, and so when they hear i'm dating someone (if I am at that time) they demand pictures. Honestly, they probably have an idea. I found part of my family accepts me without a doubt, it's just one of those situations where they know, just no one acknowledges it. Now, this may not help you, your family may not be the same way. And my only job experience was working with my parents, but if you like someone don't let fears stop you. You could kill something amazing before it could even start. Buuuut you have the issue of people who think you automatically like them even though you've been friendly for awhile but they just absolutely feel the need to think you've been attracted to them the whole time... If you encounter those types, just let them know just because you like some doesn't mean you like them all in that way. ^^ Hope this helped!~

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Thanks for all the help yall
Yeah, I'm not really worried about family. I could care less what my mother thinks, and my brother and I are tight so I think he'd find it strange since we were both womanizers growing up but accepting nonetheless. & @Lunathecat, I think my family will probably do the same; know and just not acknowledge it. and yeah that's the only thing I really have concern about; work. I'm in the military and everybody stresses a tough guy persona 24/7. I'm buddies with all the good looking, player types who I know for a fact are at least slightly homophobic. I leave this command in a week so I see no point in saying anything right now. I think it'd be fine if I show up at my next command with a clean slate and be straightforward about it.

lunathecat @lunathecat
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
lunathecat @lunathecat
You should say it the day you leave just so you know that its out there, and let them ponder xD. But you should be more open in your next command and let them know, i'm sure not all of them will be rude about it.

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
You deserve to be happy no matter who you are! If your friends don't accept you because of this one tiny difference~ then they aren't good friends! You're still you! It doesn't matter if you like guys or girls ^u^ you're still a good person! And you deserve to be happy with who you are! Don't be afraid to love yourself for exactly who you are~ no matter what that means! ^u^ I promise you there will be friends who stick with you no matter what! And you'll be happy knowing you don't have to hide anything ^u^ you're you, and they're friends with you because you're you!

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
My friend came out to his ultra Christian parents. They cut him off for a while, and then slowly tried reconnecting with them. He's now happily married to a very successful businessman around his age, and they showed up to the wedding and seem to have set aside their hatred for gays to be happy for their son. Which is good. If your parents truly love you, you can come out and they'll understand. If you're an adult, they can't try to commit you to conversion therapy or any of that shit.

sonybunny @sonybunny
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Questions for gay/bi peoples
sonybunny @sonybunny
I was just honest with friends first then family. As far as work some know some don't but if they ask I'll tell them. If they don't like the answer that's their problem not mine.
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