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What should I do?!HELP

I know this guy who goes to my school and for a fact he really likes me. I like him too, I just don't know what to do. What do you think I should do?
if you know for a fact he likes you...and you like him back why not talk to him? maybe ask him on a date or something. who knows maybe you'll be lucky and he can turn out to be the guy your looking for :)
I don't know I just cant talk to him out of the blue, he works in the TLC and I cant approach him without having a paper in hand to correct Plus, what do I say, what do I do if I make it that far PS: I have really bad anxiety
Nov 12, 15 at 11:28pm
If you know he likes you, why not just ask him if he'd like to go for coffee or something sometime? It really is that easy. Look at it like this, keep waiting and you might lose your chance.
I too have this problem. Since you know he likes you need to calm down and just approach him being yourself. I blew my last date acting like a cocky and aggressive jerk bc I thought they wouldn't like the way I actually am; which is somewhat shy and inquisitive. You're probably not going to approach them like a cocky jerk but you get the idea I assume. Just be yourself. If he likes you then he won't be turned away from you approaching him the way you'd want to. I've actually given people notes bc I'm so shy and it's worked. Personally, I'd really find that exciting.
Ask him out. Unfortunately most guys these days are too beta to ask girls out for fear of rejection - forcing girls to make the first move. Theres no getting around it. Have a day, time and activity you know is likely to work out for him in mind. Guys generally like girls who are organized like that.
Nov 12, 15 at 11:45pm
Yeah, one of you is going to have to make a move if you know you both like one another. Maybe he's too shy to ask or thinks you'll say no. If he really does like you, I think he'll be pretty down to do something with you. My suggestion would be something very simple and casual like meeting up for lunch or getting a cup of coffee and go from there. An issue with me asking a girl out is the ever present fear of rejection and making things awkward between us if the feelings aren't mutual. But if I know a girl likes me and the feelings are mutual, it's a hell of a lot easier then when you have zero clue if they'd ever like you in that way.
If you don't do it later, do it now. You can't forge a sword if the metal is cold, love
Nov 13, 15 at 1:27am
If you are to shy to ask him out in person. You can give him your number, saying he's interesting or something along those lines and you think it'd be fun to talk more, Since the feeling is mutual he most likely wants your number and may be to shy to get it himself and he may ask you out himself since that will guarantee that you both feel the same way. This will also allow you to ask him out without being face to face and you can learn more stuff about him. Mutual friends are also very helpful. Do yall have any friends in common?
Obviously go for a murder-suicide. It's the best solution. But seriously though, if you like him and know he likes you as well, then why not approach him about it? Yeah, it might be a big hurdle, but in your current situation the chances of success are fairly high.
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