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Favorite JRPG?

Earthbound/mother series! Absolutely love!!
Avalon code and Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies! Both for the DS
Jan 22, 16 at 8:12pm
Hm, probably Digital Devil Saga. The Press Turn Battle system was great, awesome OST and the story was pretty tightly told. Persona series is also alright- Persona 3 for the overall plot and Persona 4 for the characters
Jan 26, 16 at 1:45am
The Tales series! Too good not to mention lol
Bravely Default and Bravely Second. Also Final Fantasy when it was turn-based -- not the new FF style where the combat is in real-time.
No love for Ys 1 or 2? The 2D ones were my favorite.
Grandia II I have played so much of it that I could remake the game myself down to the pixels on Valmar's heart
Jan 31, 16 at 2:44pm
Wow Grandia, lol! That took me right back to my childhood. Been playing Grandia so much! Those flippin 6 discs, haha. Never got past that one boss, though. :(
Feb 06, 16 at 5:39am
Radiant Mythology Fire Emblem Phantasy Star
Feb 07, 16 at 8:22am
Phantasy Star Shining Force Panzer Dragoon Saga Fire Emblem Ys series Lunar
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